Chapter 10

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Aiden's POV

 As I lay in bed, a smile falls on my lips as of think of the turnout of events at the dinner. I pick up my phone and scroll through my chat list till I get to one particular name. Stella. 

Stella McCoy is the daughter of my dad's partner Mr Eric McCoy. After the change in location for the meeting, we had the meeting in one classy restaurant and lucky for my dad the meeting was a success. My smile increases as I remember how she waltzed in after her dad making the air churn with her sophisticated energy. 

Seeing as the time one in the morning is way past most people's bedtime, I contemplate on what to say and not sound inappropriate. 

Aiden: Good morning. Are you having your beauty sleep or you are awake? 

After about three minutes she replies.

 Stella: Good morning. And yes I'm still having my beauty sleep and what are you doing at this time? 

Aiden:  Well some certain beauty cast a spell on me and it seems to have robbed me of my sleep. 

Stella:  Oh I see. Then this beauty sure has some courage to have captured the sleep of a handsome like yourself. Don't you think so?

 Aiden:  On the contrary I really don't mind I would appreciate if this beauty does this more often. 

Stella:  Hmmm...since you seem not to need your sleep I think this beauty you're referring to needs her beauty sleep since she has school later this morning.

 Aiden:  How about I give her a tour around the school? 

Stella:  I can assume this mysterious beauty of yours would say ok.

 Aiden:  Wow! Then this beauty would surely make my day. Would she be ok if I meet her at the hallway entrance at 10am? 

Stella:  Again I assume she would say yes.

 Aiden:  Very well then beeing the gentleman that I am I'm going to leave you and my mystery beauty to catch up your sleep. Sweet dreams. 

Stella:  Sweet dreams to you too Mr Gentleman. *ladylike bow*

 Aiden:  Thank you M'lady. *gentlemanly bow* I imagine her giggling and I chuckle placing my phone on my bed top then finally get some rest.


Waking up still with the smile from earlier this morning, I go about my daily routine from showering to picking out my clothes then having breakfast. At breakfast as I greet Miss Jones she notices the grin on my face but makes no comment and smirks to herself. 

I grab my car keys and head to Carson's house. When I get there I give him the farmiliar car honk and he walks out then sits in the car. He gives me curious look and asks the question I knew he would.

 "What is it that has got you smiling like a hyena this morning?"

 "Oh so now it's a sin to be happy in the morning?"

 "How can it be a sin? I'm just kinda surprised because yesterday you left with a storm brewing on your face and also without telling me anything." 

My smile immediately falls from my face as recall how I left without an explanation. I feel bad knowing he probably had to look for a ride home himself. 

"I'm very sorry Carson. It's just you know how my dad has bad timing for things."

 "No problem bro. Anyways with the way you were so smiley a couple of minutes ago I guess it wasn't so bad after all so I'm guessing you'll honour me with the details. Yh?"

 I laugh loudly and tell him everything from how she came in to how we exchanged numbers at the entrance of the restrooms and finally going our separate ways and also our little chat this morning. 

He looks at me with an amused expression and says something that leaves me a bit shaken. "Who would have thought that 'The Aiden' would finally settle with one girl and leave his playboy life aside." 

I frown in my head and wonder if I'd really leave my playboy life. Only time would tell if Stella is worth that.

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