chapter 2

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Randy gets into his car after a long day of work. He drives to the bar to hang out with his friends, but most importantly, Gerald. He parks and then walks into the bar. He is greeted by the bartender and he sits down. He talks to Stuart until Gerald arrives. They talk till about 12 am since Gerald has to go back home. Randy cries and gives Gerald a big kiss, they stand there for a good 5 minutes until Gerald says "sorry baby i got to go." Randy says goodbye to Gerald and he is on his way.  Randy sits outside for a bit until he starts his car up and leaves to go home. 

Randy pulls up to his house and parks his car. His wife, Sharon, is sitting there, staring at him with the 'you know what you did and i'm mad' look. "Why did i see you kissing Gerald in the back of Skeeter's bar??" Randy looked at her with shock. How did she know about that? "Uh Sharon I don't know what you're talking about? I literally would never cheat on you?" They went on and on until Sharon said "Randy just say if you want a divorce or not. I won't be mad" He sat there for a minute until he said "Fine I do. But what about Stan and Shelly?" He said concerned. "It's okay they'll adjust." The next day Sharon and Randy signed divorce papers, and Randy moved out.

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