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We all live in these cages.

Metaphorically speaking, unless ofcourse it is literal in your case.

Little cages, big cages, cages with thin bars, cages with thick bars. The bars of the cage if you ever end up closely observing would be comprised of something that isn't exactly metal; but rather, I've come to see, a negative emotion or insecurity: Fear, anger, pain, rejection, hatred and the list goes on. All these little emotions coming together, trapping your true form, and preventing it's healthy growth.

But wait; if you've come to realize what the bars of your cage are made of, wouldn't that mean you could easily strip them down? By combating that constant fear you live in? The pain in your heart? The insecurity you feel? Easier said than done ofcourse.

But the real problem isn't even the cages; it's the fact that humanity has reached the stage where people are being told to embrace their cages, welcome them even. They don't stop to think maybe living in this cage isn't healthy. That maybe there's more to life beyond the cage. No. They long for their cage. They long for the comfort of pain.

So, to whoever's reading this; You hold the key to the cage you're trapped in. Make the decision to free yourself because no one else can or will.

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