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We often make the mistake of judging people by their outer appearances.

People tend to look upon beautiful people as perfect; like as if good looking people can't make mistakes.

We all, despite our outward appearance, are human and make mistakes.

I personally believe that's it's wrong to jump to conclusions based on a persons appearance, for appearances are deceptive: they can be changed.

Look at a flower: how pretty bright, and glorious it is when it does bloom.

People are in awe of how a flower blooms and becomes something so magical and magnificent.

But at the end of the day, does the flower not droop?

With the arrival of winter, does the flower not wither?

So also is it with beauty. With age and time, it fades.

Beauty, therefore, is like a delicate flower; here today, gone tomorrow.

But while it lives, it is admired and loved for its glory, but once withered and dead, it is trampled upon.

Hence, our hearts must not seek out beautiful faces or perfect bodies, which will sooner or later perish, but instead we should seek out beautiful souls and magnificent & courageous hearts, for they live forever.

You may find it hard to love all of human kind. But we must accept them all.

Isaiah 28:4
And the glorious beauty, which is on the head of the fat valley, shall be a fading flower, and as the hasty fruit before the summer; which when he that looketh upon it seeth, while it is yet in his hand he eateth it up.

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