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A Life Lapse

I wonder
If it's all but a waste
Living in this
worthless dream.
Or perhaps,
More likely,
A nightmare.

Stuck forever
At a single
Point in time
Even as the world
Rushes on
Like the waves
Of the ocean;
Surging onward
Never pausing.

And time ticks on
Unconscious of the havoc
It wreaks;
Snatching another second,
Another minute,
Another hour,
Another day,
Another year,
Of my life,
Limiting, limiting
Always limiting.

Will there be regrets
In my heart
When I think of today?
Will there be pain?
And hurt?
Perhaps so;
But for now,
I dwell not on it.

And then a day will come,
A heart that was once strong
And thriving,
Will slowly unburden itself
Of its life long duty.
A final breath,
And a sigh.
And there will be regret
No more.

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