2- seen.

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chapter told from maries perspective

I wake up and stretch my arms, I suddenly remember the interview I have and I hop out of bed, I fall over with a loud thud "TITS" I yell in reflex as I rub my aching shoulder, Y/N rushes in "you good?!" I groan as I take their hand standing up "yeah I just got a Lil too excited when I remembered I have that job interview and yk-" Y/N cuts me off   "and you fell over like a dumbass?" they placed one hand on their hip and looked at me with a smug ass smirk raising an eyebrow "don't act like you don't bump your ass on everything all the time" we both laugh "true true... alright I'll let you get ready then!"  they then run out of my room closing the door behind them

 it's about 8:30 am.... I'll just get ready now and be there by 9 am... good plan! I quickly hop in the shower washing my hair and body.   I decide on a cute pair of flared jeans that I stole from Y/N and a plain white button up shirt, good formal wear for a job interview. I put on some black combat boots and grabbed my keys as I rushed out the door yelling "BYEE!" at Y/N I heard a faint "GOODLUCK WHORE!!" in return

I hop in my car and drive down to the... Freddy fazbears or whatever.  I arrive about 10 minutes later, that's nice at least I live close. I get out of my car and make sure to lock it putting my keys in my purse, I walk in looked around, and eventually saw a front desk, I walked over to it and looked at the guy sitting there, he looked to be around my age, early to mid 20's maybe "hello ma'am how may I help you?" he sounded uncharacteristically bored and monotone " hello! I'm Marie smith I'm here for a job interview"

he seemed to brighten up a bit at this "alright head down that hallway over there and go to henrys office, if he's not in there go to Williams office" he nods his head in the direction of the hallway, the problem is... there's two hallways over there... oh fucking well. I'm too anxious to ask him which so I just smile and walk into one of them hoping for a lucky guess, I followed the hallway down to a door, it didn't have any nameplate so assuming it wasn't an office I turned to walk away when- I hear shuffling coming from inside... and what sounded like muffled screams? curiosity got the better of me and I opened the door inside I saw a child lying dead on the ground and, a man looming over the body... he looked to be maybe around 6-6'2? he wore black pants and a purple button up shirt

I raise my eyebrows in surprise, but honestly, I kinda expected this... I shut the door and walked away. I went over to the bathroom for a breather. I stayed in there for around 15 minutes contemplating whether I should tell Y/N or not... on one hand it'd be funny as hell... on the other hand, I think they'd freak out and not want me to work here.... and we REALLY need the money right now so...

I walked out of the bathroom and went down the other hallway, I saw two doors with nameplates, one read henry and the other William, perfect! I knocked on henry's door, no response... I slowly opened the door to see an ordinary office, with nobody inside... I sighed and turned around and knocked on William's door, I heard a muffled "come in!" ew he's British. I opened the door to see a similar office, and sitting at the desk was the man I had just seen looming over a dead child, great. 

he looks up at me "you must not've been terribly shaken by that whole scene to have come into my office eh?"  he raised an eyebrow looking up from his papers and making eye contact with me  "no actually not at all, but that's beside the point. I'm here for a job interview?" he gestures to the chair on the other side of the desk, you took a seat as he cleared his desk and pulled out what you presume to be a form to fill out "of course, what position are you applying for?" I hate British people, I hate men, this guy is the worst.   "daytime security guard." he nodded and handed me a pen and paper, "read through that and fill out the form" 

i filled out the paperwork and handed it back to him "done." he glances down at the paper "alright you're hired. your shift is from 6am to 9pm. you have Mondays and Tuesdays off. show up this Wednesday  at 6am sharp and I'll give you your uniform" 

i nodded and got up, as i was about to leave "oh one more thing.." i turned to look at him, i raised an eyebrow "tell anyone what you saw and you'll be worse than dead." i laughed at him and walked out. what a little asshole. did he really think i'd snitch? my momma raised me better than that. 

i headed back home to Y/N

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