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perspective told in third person

smut chapter muarharharhar (female POOSAY)

William paced back and forth in his office trying to figure out how to get rid of Jocelyn without killing her just yet... suddenly he had an idea. he walked out of his office and over to Jocelyn who was sweeping "hey Jocelyn, could we talk in my office?" he knew Y/N was on lunch break with Marie so he didn't have to pretend to be nice. "sure" she said nervously, William lead her back to his office and sat down "please, sit." he gestured to the chair on the opposite side of his desk

"so, our nightguard just quit and we can't find anyone else, would you take the night shift?" his face was stone cold, and honestly scary "yeah sure" he nods "good. now you can take the rest of the day off today to get some sleep, you start at 12 am tonight." she nods and hurry out of the building

William walks out of his office and stands in front of a corner, he pretends to supervise everything but really he's waiting for Y/N. eventually, they walk in, William smiles and pretends to be happily doing his job, they glance at him then sit back down at the counter putting the sign back under the desk, they mumbled what seemed to William, angry nonsense under their breath

he walks up to the counter and looks down at Y/N "hey Y/N, could we talk?" they look up at him slightly concerned, or scared "sure?" they put the sign back up and William pulled them over to the hallway where parts and service are "hey are you alright? you're acting a bit odd" they nervously picked at their nails "y-yeah! I uh just stressed is all!" his face straightened, they tried to slip away "well I better get back to-" he grabbed their wrist "I'm not letting you go until you tell me whats wrong." he held your wrist as he glared down at you seriously, your wrist stung with pain, but you liked that. "fine but- it's just dumb" he pinned them into the corner of the hall "tell me if somethings bothering you it's my job as your boss and friend to make sure it gets set right." they nod and look down slightly blushing nervously "i was just thinking of you..." their face grew pink and warm as they looked away embarrassed

 his face softened and he let go of their wrist "ah, sorry- i got a little serious there! I thought something had happened and I got kinda mad, didn't mean to scare you" he kisses them gently, as he's about to pull away they wrap their arms around him and pull him close deepening the kiss, he picks them up and carries them into parts and services while kissing them passionately, they pull away from the kiss and rest their head on his shoulder "william..." they whispered into his ear "yes darling?" they hesitated for a moment "could we do more than kiss this time...?" they asked nervously

he looks at you "do you mean-" you nod desparetly "yes." he softly hums in response  "I thought you'd never ask~" he picks you up and sets you on the table and kisses you passionately, he caresses your cheek and begins kissing down your neck as he unbuttons your shirt, he stops at your collarbone and looks up at you, once you nod he gently kisses your breasts and slips off your shirt tossing it aside, he reaches behind you and undoes your bra

he gently kisses and licks your breast while he fondles the other with his hand, you moan softly at the feeling of him touching you like this, he grins up at you "your moans are so lovely..." he moves his hand down to your belt, he looks at you, you nod "use your words love." he stared at you "yes" he smiled and began undoing your belt before pulling your pants down and discarding them onto the floor

"may I?" you look at him with separation "yes, you have my full consent just please touch me..." you whine, he grins up at you "you're so pretty when you beg..." he gently runs his finger along your wetness as he looks up at you, you softly whine "Please... I need this" he smirks up at you "now if you're so desperate for me to fuck you, beg for it darling~" he coos, you whine "Please fuck me William I need this I need you..." he  pulls your panties down

"you're so good for me love..." he runs his tongue along your wetness, you softly moan at the feeling of him doing something so sexual to you, he shoves his tongue inside you making sure not a part of you is left untouched, you bite your lip trying to suppress your moans so nobody would hear you two

"We should do this in private sometime so I can make you scream..." he moves his head up and kisses up your neck before shoving his finger inside of you, he kisses you to muffle your quiet moans, he curls his finger up and pumps in and out of you at a steady pace, he goes faster and he looks down at you as you breathe heavily, eyes lidded as you look up at him lustfully, he kisses up your neck and whispers in your ear "i love making you such a mess for me like this... you look so pretty with my fingers inside of you~" he moves his finger faster, you pant slightly and cling onto him "Will... i-i'm close..." you say through suppressed moans and heavy breathes 

he kisses you "go ahead my love..." after a few seconds of this you kiss him harshly to muffle the moans, your body shakes as you hold onto him tighter, your juices cover his fingers, he kisses you once more before lifting his hand to his face and licking your cum off it, god did you find that hot...

he gently caresses your cheek "alright... I'll take you home early, i'll say you're sick" you nod, dazed and barely awake, you stumble up trying get onto your feet but you stumble and fall, you cling onto william to avoid collision with the hard concrete floor "woah there, careful love... i guess i fucked you harder than i thought" he softly chuckles and helps you get dressed again

he sets you down in his car "i'll be right back" he walks up to marie "y/n is sick, I'm taking them home. could you close up for me?" she looks at him "sure, and good job keeping quiet when you fucked her." she laughs at him and he walks back to the car sitting down in the drivers seat

"you alright, darling?"

"Yeah I'm fine, love."

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