9- planning

215 3 58

chapter told in third person

- shout out to@LeminJuc  he helped me figure out the baseline for this chapter <3 -

WARNING: murder, blood, very descriptive murder scene

we sat there for a minute,  just enjoying the warm embrace... before he broke the silence "hey Uhm... if it would help maybe you could come to meet my son? he kinda needs a woman to look up to like a mom-ish-" HE HAS A CHILD "HOLD THE FUCK- you- you have a child??" he opened his mouth to speak "HOW DID YOU HAVE A CHILD, AND ARE STILL THIS FINE???" he realized I wasn't upset and chuckled   "I'll pick you up after work tommorow and we can have dinner at my place" I nod 

 we hear footsteps in the hallway and go silent "Y/N, William, I made dinner cmon" we both looked at each other eyes wide, I got up and opened my door "HOW DID YOU KNOW" she laughs "I saw his car parked out front and assumed you weren't going insane and talking to yourself in there" I sighed and gestured for William to follow me out, we all sat down and the dinner table and grabbed our forks, all that mental breakdown sure made me hungry, as we were eating I decided to ask "will, has anyone been taking care of your son while you're out?"

Marie spat out her drink "YOU HAVE A CHILD?" William ignored her "well he was having a sleepover at his friend's house over the weekend, and my other children are-" I and Marie spat out our drinks simultaneously "OTHER CHILDREN???" we both yelled in sync, William sighed "yes. my other two kids are at my ex-wife's house." me and Marie would've spat out our drinks but we knew better than to drink more "EX-WIFE??" me and Marie yelled

he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly not fond of the yelling "yes. she forced me to marry her after I accidentally got her pregnant when we were young." I and Marie nodded, deciding our voices were tired  "she never really loved me and she constantly cheated on me, I didn't love her either but fucking hell. so I divorced her a few years ago" I and Marie nodded before she grabbed my wrist and pulled me into her room "okay... so he has some kids and an ex-wife... he's still hot" she whispered at me

you chuckle "I don't mind, as long as he isn't still married" Marie looks at Y/N and nods before you run back out to the main area "what was that about" William looked at you raising an eyebrow "stockmarkets" looked at you but didn't say anything else "well I bet you should get back home now, bye William" Marie smiled "oh yes it is quite late, thank you for dinner" he smiled and left

the next morning

you woke up at around 5 am, you were NOT gonna miss work AGAIN today, you hopped out of bed and hastily showered, you changed into your uniform and looked in the mirror, the shirt was a little big but made sense considering William didn't know your sizes, it fits well enough to work, you ran out and hopped in the car driving over to Freddy's, you looked at the clock on your phone, 6 am, sharp. you always liked being on time, you got out of the car and lock it before putting the keys in your pocket, you walk up to the door and open it to see William cleaning up the place so it's customer ready "oh hello Y/N! right on time" you smile, feeling proud of yourself, you for some reason wanted to impress him

Marie walks in "oh hey Y/N glad you made it today" she smiled at you before walking off to turn on the arcade games, William walked over to you, he gestured for you to follow him, he lead you over to the front desk, "So you'll be working here until 5 pm, greet the customers and help anyone who needs it, got it?" you nod, before going behind the counter, William shouts out to all the employees "we're opening! get to work" he unlocked the front doors as Marie finished powering up all the arcade games

William walked over to you "hey y/n! we're planning a work party to celebrate the business finally getting off its feet, would you help me plan it?" you smile and nod "of course! I'm always glad to help" he smiles at you "oh and remember, dinner tonight at my place, you can meet the kids" you smile and nod "ah right! I forgot about that" he smiles and walks away, you were just fuckin around in your desk doodling on your for a little while before you dropped your pen

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