19- road trip

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chapter told from Y/N's perspective

as me and William were laying there Marie suddenly bursts in and screams "Y/N WE GOTTA HIDE THE BODY" we both shoot up, I hop out of bed and I look at Marie "call holly." Marie pouts "but Y/NNNN I always told you it'd be better to th-" I cut her off "we are not throwing the body into an active volcano now go get ready." she sighs and walks out, William stands there in shock "YOU PLANNED THIS?" I chuckle as I pull my t-shirt off my head "yeah, when we were younger we were real weirdos" a light blush dusts his face as I toss my shirt aside and open my closet to grab a new one "will, you fingered me. I didn't think me being shirtless would be much of a surprise to you"

he chuckles "I mean I just-" I turn to face him, bare chested "your logic is flawed." I say before slipping on a cute button up and jeans "well isn't that quite fancy for someone who's about to go dispose of a body "I like to slay everywhere I go" he chuckles, I slip on my socks and stop at my bedroom door "watch the kids while we're gone" he tilts his head "how long will you be gone for?" I stop to think for a second "just a day or two" his eyes widen "where are you going?" he steps closer to me "we're going down to my friend's farm to dispose of it, it's around 5 hours away by car"  

"5 hours!? let me come." I shake my head "no. you will not come with me" he gently grips my shoulder and looks down at me concerningly "I'm coming with you." I give him an angry look "who's gonna watch your kids!?" he stops for a moment to think "I'll drop em off at my ex wife's. I sigh angrily and pinch the bridge of my nose "you aren't gonna change your mind, are you." he grins "that's a yes!" I shake my head and chuckle "fine, fine. me and Marie leave in 20 minutes, if you aren't back by then we won't wait"

he nods and runs off, he takes his kids to I presume his ex wife's house like decided, me and Marie packed all we'd need, and just as we were putting our shoes on William walks through the door "good timing." he smiles and we all get in my car, Marie driving. we sit down and Marie sighs "it's gonna be a long drive..." I immediately scream "I CALL DIBS ON PICKING THE MUSIC FOR THE FIRST HOUR" Marie yells back "DAMNIT HOW ARE YOU SO FAST" William chuckles 

idk about ya'll but all I'm playing is just the this is mitski playlist on shuffle

ALSO, I'M BACK!! crisis has calmed down for now

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