16- anger.

136 1 12

chapter told from Y/N's perspective

the next morning I didn't have work, but I was woken up at around 9 am by a text from William 

"good morning Y/N! I'm going grocery shopping and I was wondering if you'd like to get yours done too?" 

I smiled down at my phone and texted back

"sure! meet me at my place, I'll probably be ready in like 15 minutes!"

since I didn't smell awful I decided not to shower, I slapped on some deodorant and got dressed, right as I stepped out of my room I heard the doorbell ring, I ran over to in and fell on my way there, I scrambled up and opened the door "hey William! " he smiled "you ready?" I nodded "READY TO BONE" Marie yelled from the couch followed by her laughing at her own joke  

I rolled my eyes "alright Marie, we're going grocery shopping, want anything?"   "could you grab some ham and cheese hot pockets?" I smile "already on the list" we smiled at each other and I stepped out the door "do you wanna just go in the same car?" I looked at William "sure, let's take mine" he smiled and we walked down the steps to his car, I got in the passenger's seat

the car ride was in a comfortable silence, we parked at the grocery store and got out of the car

once we'd finally got everything we needed we headed to the checkout, I stood behind him because we obviously were buying our own groceries, I watched from behind as the cashier blatantly flirted with him, eventually she asked him "are you single?" that's it "No he isn't." I glared at her and she looked at me confused, William grabbed his bags and stepped aside, I walked up and she bagged my groceries semi angrily

as soon as I grabbed my bags William kissed me in front of the cashier, she didn't say anything. I smiled and we walked out, we got in his car and he looked at me "are you alright?" I smiled "yeah of course!

and then it cuts to

I slammed my bedroom door shut behind me and I angrily punched my pillow, I hated watching her just blatantly flirt with him like that, I didn't think I was a very jealous person but something about that just made me want to stab her on the spot. I am livid ,  angry tears fell down my face as I envisioned doing unspeakable things to her. that fucking BITCH. I'm gonna go back there someday and do something. I try to be as peaceful as I can but I can not let this slide.

I eventually tired myself out and just collapsed onto my bed crying angrily, I hugged my pillow for comfort  *knock knock knock*  my door opens, I sit up and wipe away the tears, William closes the door behind him and sits next to me "hey, I'm so sorry. I swear I was gonna say something before you did and i-" I hug him tightly and sob into his shoulder, he gently pets my hair "I love you, you know that right?" I sniffle "yeah... I love you too" he gently kisses my forehead

he wraps his arms around me and sits in the middle of the bed with me in his lap latched onto his torso with my head rested on his shoulder, he gently rubs my back  "you're the most beautiful, talented, smart, strong, independent person I've ever met, I would never leave you for someone else. much less some broad working at Winco" I sniffle and look up at him "do you mean it" he smiles down at me lovingly and kisses me gently "of course, in my eyes at least" i smile and nuzzle my face in his chest, unintentionally falling asleep

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