15- saved

170 1 17

chapter told from Y/N's perspective

I woke up early, around 5 am. 'sure I wasn't getting enough sleep but I'd rather be on time than well-rested, I get to do a lot of jack shit at my job so I don't need a lot of sleep anyway, plus I get coffee on the way there!' i thought to myself as I stepped out of the shower and got dressed, I've always liked having a schedule, a good routine to give me a sense of control and security

I hopped in the car, since I always got up early I had time to grab some coffee on my way to work, it was 5:15 am. I went through the drive-through of the local coffee place and got my usual order, since the coffee shop was in the opposite direction of work I had 20 minutes to drink my coffee! it was 5:25 am. 

I parked at Freddy's, empty coffee cup in the cupholder, it was 5:47 am. right on time! just how I like it. I stepped out and walked up to the door, I stepped inside the building, William was waiting inside for me "ah, Y/N! early as always" he smiled at me, and I smiled back with pride "yup! need any help setting up the place before opening?"    "ah actually! I closed freddys for the day, it's was that work party we planned a few weeks ago!" ah shit, I forgot about that "ah! of course... I forgot" I chuckled nervously and smiled 

insert very epic William and Y/N putting up decorations montage

I stood next to William proudly "we did it." it was 6:25, some of our co-workers began to arrive, technically you only have to be here before 7 am so most people got up at 6 am, me and William are the only sociopaths who willingly get up at 5 am just to be here early

I don't wanna write this part so let's just say its in the middle of the party

it was 7:28 am I'd heard from a few people Jocelyn switched to the nightshift, eventually I found William standing by a wall like a loser, I stood next to him, "hey will! I heard Jocelyn switched to nightshift huh?" I smiled at him, he smiled back "oh yeah we-" I cut him off "yknow if you were that jealous of her you could've just asked me to be your partner before she could, then she wouldn't be able to flirt with me anymore" I grinned at him, his eyes widened, he stuttered and stumbled over his words, I kissed him on the cheek "alright nerd, I'm gonna go interact with people" he softly chuckled as I walked away

after a bit of meeting some of the coworkers I was walking over to the bathroom when suddenly I bumped into someone "oh sorry!" ah shit, he looked down at me "ah that's alright Darlin" he had a thick country accent, I smiled back  "so are ya new here?"  this dude had weird vibes "kinda, I started working here about a week ago" and sensing vibes is kinda my thing. "surprised I haven't seen you around yet" he chuckled, after a few minutes of talking he started making some weird comments about me, this is exceedingly uncomfortable.

suddenly I felt someone behind me, I looked over my shoulder to see William, he smiled and kissed my cheek "hey Y/N! I see you've made a friend" the other dude looked at William "yeah uh, I actually best get going back out there, don't wanna miss the party" he chuckled and walked away, I sighed "thanks William" he smiles "are you alright? I saw how uncomfortable you seemed "yeah don't worry, I'm fine" I smiled he and kissed me "alright love, I'll see ya around" he smiled and walked away

I sighed and after using the bathroom I walked back out to the party, I started talking to some people, it was nice but they kept talking over me and eventually I just walked away, I ran to the bathroom, I was shaking almost in tears, why doesn't anyone like me, fuck this is just middle school all over again. I ran my fingers through my hair and choked back sobs, I'm so social and for what? I have the social skills of a mentally stable person and yet I can't make any friends

I softly cry in front of the mirror, leaning my arms on the sink, why doesn't anyone like me? that question was like the dam breaker, a million thoughts flooded in 'its because I'm too loud I'm too weird it's because of how I dress or how I act, its because I'm- my thoughts get cut off by a hand on my shoulder "Y/N are you okay?" its Marie, I sniffle and wipe away tears "y-yeah... just-" I sighed "I just wonder why nobody likes me sometimes" she chuckles softly "at least you like people, William forced me to be here, I hate this"

 I giggle "plus those people are dumb, they're probably just working here because they're broke and can't find any other job" I look at her "Marie... you do know we're working here because we're broke and can't find any other job right" we both laugh "Nah, we work here because we're broke and William gives us friend bonuses and free animatronic plushies" I nod "makes sense"

she pats my shoulder "cmon, I'll enjoy the party if you do" she smiles "alright, let's go socialize" we chuckle and walk out, we inhale deeply and walk back over to the party, we grabbed a drink and leaned against a wall, we talked and reminisced about when we were young and, cringeworthy to be honest "remember that one summer?"   "which, they were all awesome"    "the t-" we were cut off "hey Y/N hey Marie" we smiled and simultaneously replied "hey William!" he chuckled softly "sometimes I forget you two are creepily close..." we smile "yup!"

eventually the party faded and William paid the annoying teens who needed some extra cash to clean up the party

me and Marie stand outside of Freddy's, we lean against the front wall of the building "so, did that cheer ya up?" Marie said with a grin "yup, yknow it's been a little while since I've seen you genuinely smile" I chuckle softly, we stand there for a few minutes in comfortable silence "alright, let's go home" it was 10:43 am  "alright" we said standing up from the wall 

the drive home held nothing special

we park in front of our apartment and get out, we high five and smile "we did a social" I chuckle "we did indeed"

a big thanks to @Cookiwi_Waffle I literally had to text her to ask her what she'd do if she found me in the bathroom at a party crying

a big thanks to @Cookiwi_Waffle I literally had to text her to ask her what she'd do if she found me in the bathroom at a party crying

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here's a doodle of Marie and Michael

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