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*The wedding day*


Everything was set for the wedding reception as the nikkah is taking place already. The house is overcrowded with family, relatives and friends and many others. I said I'd preferred Adda to work her magic on my face but Ammi said it's not possible because she is to be married too. They called on different makeup artists for each of us and another for the family. I sat alone in my room with closed door just thinking about Ammi. How would she cope after we left. I know the twins are there but... I will so much miss her. A beep on my phone tells me I have an incoming message. I unlocked the phone and was just smiling with an Alhamdulillah. It was from my husband to be. Sorry, my husband and it reads.. “ Thanks be to the Almighty, the Lord of the universe, you are mine to keep now. Alhamdulillah”. A knock came at the door and I went ahead and opened it. There standing is my beautiful sister all baked up looking gorgeous in her white outfit. Same as mine. Twinning. I opened the door wider to allow her passage. She stepped in and I locked the door because it seemed to me like she want to talk. She sat at the edge of my bed and I sat beside her. “ He texted me. The knot is tied”. She uttered but looking so down and I know the reason for that expression.
“ Alhamdulillah.. Mine texted me too. You shouldn't look like that you know. It's for the best insha Allah”. I said acting strong while deep down I want to break down by the mere sight of my sister and the thought that we won't be living under the same roof again. She gently placed her head on my shoulders. “ Says the girl who locked herself up”. She chuckled.
“ Well, one needs to be alone at times but hey I promise we will be fine. We've all been through worst. And Ammi? She will be just fine. I know she's the happiest today knowing she has married off two of her daughters. You know? Two down, three to go. And you and I? Well, aren't we the luckiest for having those men as husbands”.
“ Adeela, I wonder how I managed to be the oldest between the both of us. It's like you've outgrown me you idiot. You know i so much want to cry but I really don't want to ruin my makeup. For the photos. And seeing just how strong you, I thought why not try to. I want to be like you when I grow up”. She giggled. “ What figure of speech is that?” I asked. “ Future tense?”. She shrugged and I laughed
“ They will be here soon enough. Let's pray and touch up our make up”.
“For better for worse Adda”.
“ For better for worse Adeela. I love you so much”. She uttered and I can feel the tears threatening to fall but I hold them back.

We performed our prayers and touched our faces while we advised ourselves on the door we are about to open. We unlocked the door and people were congratulating us. The twins said people were looking all around for us but Ammi told them we are in the room and that no one should bother us. That woman... “ They are here.. The groomsmen are here. Oh my good God. The groomsmen... I'm in love y'all”. Aairah said in a whisper. I feel my heart beating so fast. Almost as if ready to burst out of my chest. “ Whom? Mine or Adda's?”. I weakly asked. “ Both. You should come and see for yourself”. She said looking at the both of us. I opened my purse when I heard my phone ringing. Mi vida appeared on my phone screen. I answered. “ Mine”. He called out and I feel my whole body went numb and my heart only softened more just hearing him talk and calling me his. “ I can't wait to see you and you're just making me wait. Is this some kind of punishment for a mistake I didn't even know I commit. I'm sorry my wife but I can't wait any longer. I need to see you”.
“ I will soon be with you”. I hang up the call. We walked around the house and greeted the people around before finally coming in physical contact with our husbands. Adda's husband quickly drawled her into his arms hugging her as if she will disappear if he let go. The people were just in awe and to be honest, so am I. Pictures and videos were all taken. Mine just stood looking at me like he couldn't believe I'm his. I went into his arms to reassure him that I'm right here and not going anywhere and he hold me gently like I'd break if he holds any tighter. Photos were taken and the grooms and their people left afterwards.

In the evening, The elders called us in and talked sense into us and left Ammi to do her part. She held us and talked to us. And we all cried in her arms and she cried too as she was too weak to hold it in. Ya Aalim did his part too as the eldest and as our second father. We chose him to do the the father's part and take us to our responsible homes since our father is not alive. Ammi suggested Adda should be taken first since her new home is very far from here and mine a little less. I helped her got into another set of attire and wrapped around her big veil closing her face. It was another turned of events because they had to separate Adda and I  and even the twins were crying hard. We wished her well in her new life and saw her off. Her friends followed suit in the convoy to her new home. We all went back in to wait for Ya Aalim's return.

Two Chapters and we're done y'all ❤️ XOXO ❤️🦋

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