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After like thirty minutes of being in the car with this idiot,we finally arrived at the place where the party will hold. She parked beside Adda's car but they aren't in the car. Maybe they're already in,I thought. I checked the time to see it is already passed eight. Thank God I performed my prayers before leaving home.

“ If you are done thinking,can you step out so I can lock the car”. That's when I noticed the idiot already out standing. I stepped out and waited while she locked it and we both headed towards the main entrance.
“oops,I forgot my phone in the car. Just go on,I will meet you inside ”. I just rolled my eyes and continued walking while she head back to the car. When I get in,I sight a young woman sitting.I walked up to her.
“ Hello ma'am. Please which side is the party holding?”. I asked and listened as she pointed out the directions. The place is very huge. I thanked her and carry my legs to the place. Now standing in front of a white door just as she said,my heart started racing,fast if I could add. I don't know why but I suddenly became nervous. What's happening? What's on the other side? And where is this idiot? Why is there no noise or......several questions ran through my mind which I wished I had answers to. I muttered up enough courage and pushed the door opened stepping in but the place is dark or maybe this is not the place but I'm sure I heard her right. She said white door by the left. I started looking into my bag for my phone when the light came on blinding me. I closed my eyes and when I opened them my breathing stopped for I don't know how long till I drawl out a long and loud breathe for in front of me is a well decorated room. So breathtaking. There are tables each with roses centered and the room was decorated with lily flowers all over. Even where I stand is covered in roses. Wait,is all these necessary for just a birthday party. No I think I'm in the wrong place.beside,I see no Adda and the rest. I turned around on my heels to leave the room when the light goes off again. What's wrong with this light turning off and on. I made a halt when a light appeared from behind me. I turned around again waiting to see what would happen next and the next thing I know. My pictures were on display from a system sitting on one of the tables. Starting from when I was a baby,to when I was ten years. To when I graduated high school,to my graduation of  college and many others. Is this a dream. What is happening and why are my pictures here. I got my answers when the next picture came on. It's a picture of him and I. The pictures we took in Paris. The next thing that came on nearly made me fainted. Standing looking at it was written...Adeela , Please will you marry me? My knees goes weak trying to put two and two together. What is all these. Something started playing. It's more like a piano. I directed my attention to where the sound is coming from but I couldn't see anything and it's like my feet are glued to the ground because I couldn't move an inch. “Hey”. A voice whispered in my ears making my whole body stiff. He stood in front of me looking straight into my eyes and for the first time,we really looked at each other slowly exploring each other's faces unable to tear our eyes away. I don't know for how long we stayed in the looking competition till he took some steps backward.

“ You remember the first time we met? That day I first met you? That was the best day to me for thanks to God I met you that day. Though I know life was unfair to me but as it is said,you don't always get what you want in life. Not all the time. You know there were times I had to fight with myself to forget you and move on but I wasn't able to. Even when your wedding date was fixed,I wasn't able to let go of you. Sounds stupid right. I tried but somewhere deep inside me told me I can do it. And then I left the country hoping I will be able to forget you not knowing you'd followed me there”. He said with so much adoration in his eyes and I could only chuckled. “I know you went through alot in life. I know you really suffered but I want you to know that whatever should happen,I'll always be here for you,no matter the situation. We all here would be here for you ” That is when I noticed the room overcrowded with flashes from people taking pictures and all. And my family too. “ I know life was unfair to you too and I know it will be hard for you to trust again but please.... Please Adeela, Will you find it in your heart to give this gentleman man a chance because this man right here love you wholeheartedly and won't be able to take it if you say no. I love you Adeela and will continue loving you to my last breathe. Those moments I spent with you were the most happiest moments of my life because I got to spend it with the love of my life. So, Please Adeela Ismail, Will you marry me?”. He said the last part getting on his knees while the people in the room started screaming. I let my dam flow so hard. This isn't right. This shouldn't be happening. But this is what you want you idiot,my inner self said. I know but I don't deserve him. He deserve someone better. someone that will make him happy. The only thing I ever did was hurt him.
“ Adeela please marry me?” His voice brought me out of my thoughts. I looked around the room and locked eyes with my best friend and she gave me a look of assurance but I can't. I just can't. I reached for his hands and gently helped him to his feet.
“ No Ahmad, I can't marry you. I am sorry”. I said disengaging my hands from his and slowly looking down and I heard all the screaming died down..

Turned out it's not a birthday party after all. Adda is one hell of a genius😉 She planned a proposal and Adeela just had to ruined my day by saying NO... What a disappointment....Xoxo❤

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