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You were a beauteous beatitude,
A blessing, then une blessure.
You left my heart to stop beating.
I fought my best, I beat my breast,
But you had become a beast,
Oh, the rupture, the rapture!
You were ravishing, even as you ravaged me.
I mooned over you. I was over the moon.
I would've given you the moon.
Young lion, I know, the night is no longer young,
You pied piper prince with your siren song.
I know, the honeymoon is gone,
Replaced with the werewolf's blood moon.
I lost my footing, lost my way,
And my glass slipper splintered,
As you went running away
As the clock struck twelve.
I know, I'm crying over spilt milk & honey.
You can shame me, but how could you blame me, honey?

Tap Dancing on the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now