Rebis (Pride Poem)

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Divine Androgyne,
Acme of alchemy,
Engendering all genders
But claiming none,
Public Universal Friend,
Hated, desecrated,
Doubted, debated,
Feared, mocked, negated,
Hunted as vermin,
Viewed with vicious vitriol
As a mistake or a fake,
Indicted by ignorance,
Treated as a trend or a repugnant remnant of a primitive past, obsolete,
Yet once seen not as incomplete,
But rather whole, holy, an alchemical goal,
Born eunuch with a special role
In the divine drama,
Not an abomination,
Rather, simply another manifestation,
An emanation of immanent, infinite forces, formless,
Free spirit, sexless, asexual, amorphous,
Like anima and animus harmonious,

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