Chapter 1:

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*Third person p.o.v*

Draco watched as Potter put some of the ingredients in their cauldron, following his instructions.

Potter's hair was wilder than usual, his sleeves were rolled up, and his breathing was rigid — Still trying to recover from the last time he'd yelled at Draco mere minutes ago — But as much as Draco hated to admit it to himself, Potter looked just delicious like this.

"Potter, you're doing it wrong!" Draco then snapped, glaring at the other boy, spitefully. Potter just couldn't seem to get anything right, ever.

"Leave me alone, Malfoy!" Answered Potter, running his hands through his sweaty, messy hair, obviously growing frustrated.

Draco watched him stir the potion, first at the wrong speed and afterwards the wrong way. "I told you to stir it clockwise, are you deaf?"

Potter scoffed, "No, but I wish I was so I didn't have to listen to your stupid instructions!"

Draco stood up from his chair, shoving the potions book in Potter's face. "It says here—"

"I can do it on my own!" Potter snapped, having had enough of Draco's bullshit.

Draco had to use all his strength to not kill him right then and there. Potter always managed to get on his nerves like no one had ever been able to.

He looked from the opposite side of their table, down in their cauldron.

Draco furrowed his eyebrows. "Potter, that does not look right."

Before Potter could yell at him again, trying to make Draco get it through his thick head that it was fine, the cauldron blew up.

Smoke filled the room, and people started to cough violently, including Draco.

Although, Draco couldn't hear Potter coughing.

"Potter?" He tried, as he continued coughing.

He walked around the smoking cauldron, and waved his hand in the air, desperately trying to be able to see.

Draco then walked into something lying on the stone floor. "Potter!"

Kneeling down by his side, he studied the silhouette of Potter laying there, obviously unconscious.

"Fuck, Weasley! Granger!" Draco had decided to call for Potter's best friends instead of Snape, who happened to be out to grab more ingredients, of course.

And Granger and Weasley came running.

Well, not exactly. They couldn't see either, so following Draco's voice whilst walking carefully it was.

"Potter, wake up you twat." Draco tried, grabbing a hold of Potter's shoulders and shaking him lightly.

Draco listened as Granger and Weasley got closer, the other students in the classroom managing to find the door and slip out as they desperately tried to breathe as well. The fog was thick, and even though the door to the classroom was ajar, it was still almost impossible to breathe or see properly. 

Draco continued to shake Potter, growing more and more worried.

Potter's best friends kneeled down on each side of Draco, Weasley starting to shake Potter as well, as Granger spoke softly to Potter, reassuring that it was all gonna be alright and all that, which Draco grimaced at. He was almost entirely sure that Potter couldn't hear a thing unconscious.

16 days under the influence (Draco x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now