Chapter 13:

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*Third person p.o.v*

"So you're saying.. You think he might be nice?"

Harry looked up at the ceiling of the Gryffindor common room, "Merlin, 'Mione, you make it sound like i'm completely wrong."

"I'm not saying that." Said Hermione quickly from the red couch opposite Harry. "I think you're right, actually."

Harry had never looked at someone so fast before, "What?"

"Yeah, what?" Repeated Ron, looking at Hermione in incredulity.

Hermione send them a half-hearted smile. "I mean.. Based off what's Harry's told us.. I think he can't be.. Entirely bad, looking past what he's done before."

"Hermione, this is Malfoy we're talking about." Said Ron then. Harry didn't blame him, especially not with all the comments Malfoy had made about his family prior to now.

"I know. And he's done and said some absolutely unforgivable things, but.." Hermione looked around the common room in thought. "I just can't help but think of how easy he's made it for Harry the past 9 days. With the deal and not—"

"—Or maybe he just needs a quickie. Malfoy's gay, remember?"

Harry unintentionally squeaked beside Ron.

..He'd never looked at it like that before.

He thought he and Malfoy had had a.. Well, a something this morning, and then suddenly he just pushed him away again. Like he'd done all the previous times something had happened between them.

And.. Oh, Harry prayed Ron was wrong.

"I don't think.." Said Harry, but trailed off. He didn't know Malfoy well enough to be entirely sure.

His stomach hurt slightly at the thought. It had felt so genuine and caring when Malfoy had run his fingers through his hair and held him during the night.

"I don't think so either." Said Hermione then, interrupting his thoughts. "It could be a possibility, but I think he seems too genuine for that. And since when has Malfoy ever intentionally been nice to anyone because he's wanted something? I highly doubt he'd ask nicely."

"Malfoy? Ask nicely?" Ron's eyebrows were raised.

"Exactly. According to his previous actions I think he'd threaten Harry instead of asking nicely, if he was being intentionally nice to.. Well, use him." Said Hermione, making Ron look as if in thought.

Harry almost breathed out of relief. Hermione always knows best, so there was nothing to worry about.


"I'm not saying that he's not genuine. I'm just saying we shouldn't start trusting him too much only based off of what's happened lately." Said Ron, rubbing his hands together as he spoke.

"I far from trust him," Said Hermione, "I'm pondering whether or not he's been suffering from a lack of insults recently."

Ron snorted at that, and Hermione send him a small smile.

"Harry, what do you think about him?"

He's hot. And knows how to make a guy turned on, that's for sure.

The blush on Harry's face was so noticeable both Hermione and Ron seemed to be studying him. "..He's still Malfoy."

Which was partly true, but Harry definitely saw him totally differently now.

He was still Malfoy, yes, but Malfoy who had really hot hands, and nice hair, and a very hot voice, and.. Was kind of good to Harry. Sometimes.

"You.. I know I've asked you this once before, but.. You know what, actually, let me rephrase this question." Said Hermione, and Harry leaned back against the couch nervously. "Are you attracted to Malfoy?"

16 days under the influence (Draco x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now