Chapter 32:

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*Third person p.o.v*

Harry was feeling.. Well, to sum it up, Harry was feeling a lot of things. Happiness wasn't exactly one of them.

Malfoy was walking beside him, their arms brushing one another's every other moment, not saying anything.

He looked up at Malfoy, who was wearing a rather thoughtful look on his face. He hadn't said anything since they'd left the dorm. Actually, he hadn't really said anything since he'd let go of Harry during their hug.

But Harry didn't mind it. He didn't really feel like talking either.

After this, he'd have to go back to the Gryffindor tower, with Hermione and Ron.

Harry was, of course, happy to be able to see Hermione and Ron again, and being with them much more again. Honestly, Harry had missed being with them after classes so much. He'd never tell them that, they didn't need to know, but he really had.

He'd even missed them so much that he missed just sitting and watching them bicker. He hadn't really missed that part of their friendship so much, but still, he'd sort of missed it. Merely because he wanted to be with them. Being with Hermione and Ron was amazing, they did really feel like family.

Harry had missed the others, too. He'd missed Ginny, even though she was always sort of mean to him, but it was in a sort of sisterly-way. He'd missed Neville, and his boring conversation-making. Missed Seamus too.. Sort of. And Dean. Not Dean as much though, because the night before Harry had gotten the lust potion, Dean had cheated in a game of chess. Harry wasn't a bad loser, but with Dean, who you know always cheats, it pissed him off.

But it was just.. It bothered Harry to no end that he knew that he wasn't going to sleep in his and Malfoy's dorm at the end of the day. Or, well, Malfoy's dorm.

That Malfoy wasn't going to be there to walk with him almost everywhere, keeping him company. Even if he was a git at times.

And he wasn't going to hold Malfoy's hand, touch him, kiss him, have him close.

Harry couldn't help but feel just a bit scared for what Malfoy's reaction would be. If he would completely forget about Harry within two days, — he couldn't, he just couldn't forget about Harry, not after everything that had happened between them, Harry quickly decided — or if Malfoy would simply just ignore what had happened between them — he wouldn't, he couldn't. Harry was sure. — Harry had even considered the possibility that perhaps he'd go back to picking fights with him, along with his friends, again, but quickly came to the conclusion that he wouldn't. Malfoy wouldn't do that to him. Not anymore.

So instead, Harry imagined that he met Malfoy in the corridor later. Maybe even spoke to him, and then perhaps.. Maybe even told him that he likes him. If Malfoy was acting completely normal, Harry had thought about telling him the next moment he sees him after getting the antidote. Then, Malfoy wouldn't think it was 'because of the potion' or anything like that.

"Harry!" Ron called from down the corridor, making Hermione beside him look away from him to Harry and Malfoy instead.

Hermione seemed relieved to see him, so Harry's suspicion of Hermione probably having turned extremely worried when Harry hadn't shown up for breakfast was right.

When they got closer, Hermione leaned forward and gave him a quick hug. "I'm not even going to ask," She said, her voice low. When she pulled away, she gave Harry a soft smile, looking at him as though she could tell he wasn't feeling all too well. "Come on," Her one hand went from his shoulder to his back.

Ron then came from behind, and when Hermione let go of him, Ron slung his arm over Harry's shoulder. "I hope the antidote's not all bad. I wouldn't want to clean your puke off the floor." He teased, and Harry fought to keep the sudden smile off his face.

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