Chapter 10:

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*Third person p.o.v*

Harry stood outside the Gryffindor portrait, the fat lady smiling politely at him. "Long time no see,"

"I've been caught up with some stuff." Said Harry shortly, trying not to sound as dreadful as he felt.

It was hard being so far away from Malfoy, but he just needed to speak to Ron and Hermione.

Or, well, maybe just Hermione. Depended if Ron knew Malfoy was gay. If anyone knew if Malfoy was gay, it would be Hermione, Harry was sure.

Wether it was because she'd figured it out on her own or by the rumors that had apparently been.

And, if Ron had known, Harry was almost entirely sure Ron would've talked to him about it.

When Harry had said the password, he stepped in the portrait and was immediately questioned by Ginny, who was apparently on her way out.

"Harry! You're back from.. You know?" She smiled knowingly at him, and Harry grinned at the sight of her as well.

Ginny was like a sister to him, the whole Weasley family felt like his family actually, and he'd missed her, along with Ron and Hermione.

But Harry quickly wiped the smile of his face, "Wait— What? I know what?" He asked, and almost let out a noise of surprise when he was suddenly grabbed by the arm.

"Yes. You know, Harry." Said Hermione sharply, dragging him away from Ginny with a tight grip on his arm. "We'll turn back to you in a second." She called out to Ginny, who looked confused as Harry was taken away from her.


"I used it as a cover-up. We couldn't exactly tell people that you were gone because you wanted to.. Be with Malfoy so much that you had to share a dorm." She explained, her voice low as the fellow Gryffindors kept trying to talk to Harry, Hermione guiding him away from them. "We told the people who asked where you were that you were on a mission with Dumbledore during the nights and evenings, and you had to spy on the Slytherins during class. But we told them it was a secret mission. Which was a cover-up to why we couldn't tell them what you were doing."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows at the back of Hermione's head, and when he was about to make a comment, Hermione stopped. They had reached Ron, who immediately hugged Harry. "You're back already?" Asked Ron with a big smile on his face.

Harry almost wished he was with the look of pure happiness on Ron's face. He'd missed Ron too even though it had only been eight days since he'd moved out. "No. Sorry. The antidote still not ready." Said Harry apologetically, "I just had to ask you—" Harry turned to Hermione. "Something."

Ron tilted his head. "Just her?"

"I'm not sure you know this." Said Harry truthfully, and looked between Ron and Hermione.

Hermione pressed her lips together, nodding, waiting for Harry to continue.

"Did you know Malfoy's.." Harry took a deep breath, "You know?"

"Malfoy's what?" Said Hermione quickly, leaning closer to him in interest.

Harry cleared his throat, "Malfoy's.. Gay."

Ron, beside him, sounded like he choked on air, proving Harry's theory of him not knowing to be right.

Hermione crossed her arms, remaining neutral. "Yes?"

Harry furrowed his eyebrows, "How long have you known?"

"It was this whole thing in the fourth year, don't you remember?" Hermione smiled at him.

16 days under the influence (Draco x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now