Chapter 23:

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*Third person p.o.v*

Harry woke up before Malfoy again, and when he'd been running his fingers up and down Malfoy's arm gently and listening to his breathing for a good 10 minutes, he got tired of staring into nothing.

His new habit of going to bed right after dinner had definitely taken a toll on his sleep schedule. Now, it was 5:30 am, way earlier than when he usually got up, and he really didn't need all that time to get ready. Nor did he want to get tired during the day.

Harry tried to sit up carefully, letting go of Malfoy as well, but as he did so, Malfoy's arm tightened around him, and he forced him close again.


Malfoy was awake too?

"You're awake?" Asked Harry, and Malfoy hummed behind him.

Harry turned in his arms, and when he looked at Malfoy, his eyes were closed and he was breathing heavily, no sign of him being awake.

"Malfoy?" Asked Harry in a whisper.

"Shut up." Malfoy whispered back, his voice hoarse and eyes still closed. "And stay still,"

Harry smiled at him, even though Malfoy couldn't see, and then looked down at his chest.

Malfoy was still wearing his clothing from yesterday, which he seemed to fall asleep in a lot recently, instead of his nightwear.

Harry, ignoring Malfoy's small protests of him to 'Stay still' and 'Shhhh', began unbuttoning the white shirt, slowly and carefully, trying not to wake the other boy entirely. 

His hand went to push away the unbuttoned shirt, and then placed his index-finger on one of Malfoy's collarbones, tracing the outline of it.

Malfoy sighed in response, but didn't move or open his eyes.

Harry's hand went to his chest, taking in the feeling of the soft skin. His eyes flickered up to Malfoy's closed ones for a moment, just to make sure Malfoy wasn't watching him with a questioning expression.

Harry slid his hand across his hard chest, and when he got to Malfoy's one nipple, he ran his thumb over it.

Harry didn't know what possessed him to do it.

If it was the potion, or if he actually just wanted to be close to Malfoy and touch him, he didn't know anymore.

"Potter, what are you doing?" Malfoy finally spoke and opened his eyes, now looking down at Harry with an annoyed expression. "Are you trying to wake me by touching me?"

Harry bit his lip, "Maybe."

Malfoy eyed him up and down, as if trying to figure out what Harry was thinking. "..What do you want?"

Harry certainly wouldn't mind some morning sex, especially when Malfoy hadn't bothered to run his fingers through his hair yet and Harry loved it when it looked a bit messy, because it made Malfoy look more relaxed and just so.. Hot, honestly. But he knew Malfoy would never agree to that.

Harry didn't want Malfoy to think he was on the brink of begging again, it looked as though Malfoy was trying to figure out if he was. "..Nothing, just.. Wanted to touch you." Harry admitted.

Malfoy raised his eyebrows, as if he'd been expecting Harry to say anything but that. Harry drew a small invisible star on Malfoy's chest with his index-finger.

"Alright.." Said Malfoy hesitantly, "Let's get dressed."

Now that Malfoy was awake, Harry would actually much rather stay in bed. "No. Can we stay here?"

16 days under the influence (Draco x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now