Chapter 24:

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*Third person p.o.v*

The Harry content is cute. Let's do another chapter!

Malfoy was a jerk.

"So I heard you weren't the happiest when Astoria asked out Draco earlier. Is that why you're being such a savage today?"

Harry turned around to glare at Malfoy, who was trying to hide his very obvious smirk, walking behind Harry with Zabini at his side.

"Oh, I was fine." Said Harry sharply, not taking his eyes off Malfoy. He gave him a look that could kill before turning back around.

Parkinson laughed beside him, "Fine, right."

Harry sneered at her, and crossed his arms as he continued to walk down the hall.

Harry wasn't bothered by the fact that Astoria Greengrass had asked out Malfoy. He didn't care about that one bit. Not one bit. Didn't care about it at all.

But Malfoy apparently ran around lying and saying that he was jealous and that he was bothered by it.

And Harry wasn't. He wasn't bothered by it. He didn't mind it at all, actually. Didn't even think about it. At all.

What Harry did care about though, was what Malfoy had said when he'd tried to convince her that they certainly weren't together. It felt almost a little too personal and true what he'd said about Dumbledore making him.

Harry only hoped Malfoy didn't find being with him as dreadful as he made it sound.

"So you don't care?" Said Zabini from behind amusedly, and Harry quickly decided that he missed when they only picked on Malfoy.

"Right. I don't care." Said Harry distinctly.

"Then why are acting as if you're upset?" Parkinson clicked her tongue, and the sound was so annoying Harry considered turning around and walking away. And just skip classes for the day.

"Because apparently i'm just a burden to Malfoy." Said Harry flatly and he heard both Parkinson and Zabini snicker.

"Trust me, that's not what he—" Zabini's sentence was cut short by Malfoy nudging him hard in the side.

Harry was about to snap at Parkinson, who was laughing at whatever, when he then felt a hand on his hip.

"I already told you I didn't mean that," Came Malfoy's steady voice from behind him, and Harry felt himself tense slightly at the way Malfoy was suddenly pressed so far up against him.

"Let go off me." Said Harry shortly, his tone flat. "—And I already told you I don't care." Harry continued, his tone annoyed. He looked back up at Malfoy, trying to look as bored as he could. Though, he didn't make any movement to make Malfoy let go off him.

He let Malfoy's hand sneak across his abdomen, — Harry had just told him to let go, so what was he doing? — and Harry tried not to notice how his stomach fluttered at the touch.

"You very obviously do," Malfoy forced Harry closer to himself, his chest pressed up against his back, and as Harry turned to look in front of himself again, he felt Malfoy lean slightly down. "I didn't mean to hurt you." He said, his voice low.

Harry blinked rapidly at the genuine caring tone.

"Imagine Astoria saw this," Came Parkinson's annoying voice from behind Harry and Malfoy, both her and Zabini laughing.

"I wouldn't care. You were the one who told me to let her down easy," Said Malfoy, catching Harry's attention quickly. So that was why he'd been so polite.

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