Chapter 41:

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*Third person p.o.v*

Harry felt exhausted already. And it was only the second class of the day.

Harry ran a hand down his face, "I'm so tired." He said, turning to Ron.

Ron yawned, stretching his arms above his head. "Yeah, me too."

Hermione sat down beside them, with Neville and Seamus following her. She placed her book on the table with a loud thud, almost making Harry jump in his seat. "You're always tired." She send them both a look. "You can sleep till noon tomorrow if you want," Her gazed settled on Ron.

Ron nodded, "Yeah."

..Wait a minute.

"Sleep till noon?" Said Harry then lowly, mostly to himself.

Realization hit him like a slap.

"Today is Friday?!" Harry all but squeaked, turning quickly to look at Hermione with wide eyes.

Hermione gave him a small smile, "Yes, Harry."

"Ooooh, that's right." Ron patted him on the back, his tone playful. "Today's your date." He gave Harry a smirk when he looked at him with a spiteful glare.

"Shut up." Said Harry. He looked at Hermione again. "I'd forgotten all about it."

"Ouch. Tell that to Mclaggen," Said Ron. "Then he'll know you were real excited."

"I am." Said Harry shortly. "Just.. I have a lot on my mind right now," Harry turned in his seat to look behind himself.

Cormac was sitting nearly by the back row, thank Merlin because Harry was scared he'd accidentally heard what he'd said, and was seemingly chatting with his friends.

"I'm just.. I have a lot going on.." Harry lowered his voice, looking at Hermione and Ron, trying to make them get what he was hinting at. "And, you know.. Have a hard time thinking properly.."

"You could always postpone it, I don't really think he'd mind." Said Ron then, shrugging, and Harry almost nodded along, but he didn't miss the knowing look he was suddenly giving Hermione.

"Postpone it? Harry you've had so much going on, I truly believe it would be good for you to have some fun," Said Hermione then, and when Harry looked at her, she wasn't looking at him either, but at Ron.

Ron raised his eyebrows, looking serious. "Fun? How would he have fun when it's not really what he wants to be doing." Hermione gave Harry a small sad smile when he looked at her, confused as to what was going on. "And like you said, he has so much going on," Ron continued.

Harry eyed the both of them with an odd expression on his face. "What are you doing?"

Ron gazed back at him, "Nothing. Talking to you." He said nonchalantly.

"You're talking to me, but you're looking at each other." Said Harry then, trying to figure out what was going on between them.

Both Ron and Hermione looked as though they didn't know what to say. Which was especially odd, seeing as Hermione always knew what to say.

"Whatever." Said Harry then. "It doesn't matter what you think. I need to talk to Cormac," He shook his head, sliding further back into his seat.

"When you do, remember to thank him for the roses." Said Hermione, opening her book.

"I did that yesterday? I reckon he's already received my letter—"

"The letter is so excruciatingly impersonal. Do it face to face." Hermione cast a glance at Harry, and Harry immediately recognized the look she was sending him. It was the look of if-you-don't-do-as-I-say-you're-out-of-your-mind.

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