Chapter 2

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Yall I'm not gonna lie, this chapter is kinda cringe, but in my defense I couldn't think of any other way to dramatically introduce Coran's ability and I really don't feel like rewriting it so im sorry 💀 Dw tho, things will get interesting soon :))


I felt dazed. I really was in the Marevl Universe, or at least a version of it, because Spiderman: No Way Home had already happened, but Green Goblin was still here. He had been taken back to Stark Tower with us, and I was shocked to find that Tony Stark still lived.

"But you died," I blurted when I saw him, before slapping a hand over my mouth. I earned myself a funny look.
"Who's this?"

I let Spiderboy explain the previous events as I looked around at the room. It was the top floor, the same one in The Avengers where Loki got the shit beat out of him by the Hulk. I couldn't help but grin at the thought. I turned back to Stark and Spiderboy, who were both looking at me.
"Who are you?"
"Coran what?"
"Coran Montgomery."
"J.A.R.V.I.S, find anything you can on 'Coran Montgomery,'" Stark said, continuing to eye me.
"Yes, sir. Coran Montgomery, worked as a retail worker up until she was supposedly killed in an airship accident 2 years ago," the computer continued to drone on about  unimportant details until Stark told it to stop. "So, Peter, what you're saying is you think this person got warped here because of a messed up spell from Strange? But Strange fixed the spell, right?"
"Well yes, but Mr. Osborn didn't get returned to his universe, so maybe some thing happened to bring Coran here."
I watched the two argue with my arms crossed.
"You know what, J.A.R.V.I.S, send Strange a message telling him he needs to come here immediately."
"On it, sir."

Barely a minute later a portal opened and Dr. Strange stepped through, effectively making my eyes turn into saucers. I eyed his cape while the situation was explained to him, wondering if it would do anything unusual for a cape. It was still so hard to believe that I was actually here. This had to be a dream right? My brow furrowed. I pinched myself, wincing. Yep. Not a dream.

"Coran." Strange's voice made me jump. "Oh- yes, hi?"
"Can you tell me what you were doing before Norman's other half attacked you?"
"Norm- OH the Green Goblin guy, right yes. Well I wasn't doing much, I was getting some brownie mix at a local grocery store for my Gran'ma, and this Karen came up to me and started yelling at me for taking the last one, and honestly the whole time I was spacing out, but when I focused back on her it suddenly felt really weird, like the air- the things- just the area around me started stretching. And then I blinked and I was in an alleyway, then Peter Parker and Goblin went flying by me."
Strange turned, a thoughtful look on his face. "So you were brought here just like the others were."
"Are you talking about Dr. Octavious and all them? Goblin man?"
He looked at me. "You know about that?"
"Well yeah, all of this shit," I waved my hands around, "are movies in my world. You guys are characters. I watched Spiderman: No Way Home last month, it was pretty awesome, you shoulda heard the way I screeched with excitement when all 3 Peters were swinging around together and stuff!" my face had broke into a grin. If I had a tail, it would have been wagging furiously right now.
"Woah," Peter smiled, "So like... Does that mean you can tell us what's going to happen in the future? Since you watched our movies?"
I could feel Strange starting to give me a look, and I quickly shook my head. "No, unfortunately not. Sorry bro. Latest movie was No Way Home. I could tell you things about the past though, if I can remember what happened... Oh, and I will warn you now, some things may not be accurate because I'm pretty sure this isn't the exact universe I watched."
"What makes you say that?" Green Goblin finally piped up, still sitting there tangled in webs.
"You were supposed to be cured, and then sent back to your original universe," I said, turning my attention to him, "and clearly you weren't fixed."
"We're currently working on that, and if the little bastard could stop turning and escaping, we just might be able to succeed," Stark shot an annoyed look at Goblin.

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