Chapter 9

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Norman dragged me out of bed early this morning, much to my annoyance.
"Get up!"
"Uuuughhhhhh nOoo. Stop draggin' me, yer gonna reopen my woundddd," I groaned, feeling Norman grab my ankle and start to tug me out of bed.
"I'm going to get Otto to come pick you up," he threatened, but I could hear the laughter in his voice.
I snorted in response and dug my face back into my pillow, only to yelp in surprise when I felt his arms wrap around my torso and effortlessly lift me up. He threw me over his shoulder and started walking out of the room.
"Hey!" I yelped, "Hey! I'm bigger than you, this shouldn't be possible!"
"I have super strength, remember dear?"
I didn't even have time to think about the use of the pet name before he dumped me on the couch. I huffed in defeat. "Can I at least get dressed then?"
"Yes. Don't you dare go back in there and go to sleep again, though!"
"Right, right, of course. Will do, yessir."
I went back to my room, quickly getting dressed before meeting Norman back in the living room.

About twenty minutes later we found ourselves stuck in traffic near the main bustle of the city.
"Jesus," Norman muttered, trying to see over the hundreds of cars blocking the road. We were at a dead stop. I rolled my window down, leaning out to try and see if I could see anything.
"I wouldn't bother," the person in the car next to us said, "it's been like this for half an hour now. I heard theres  villains up there, causing a standstill and demanding for Spiderman."
"Damn. Alright, thanks man." I turned back to Norman, who looked a bit concerned. Just then something dark landed on a car in front of us, letting out a roar.
My eyes widened as I recognized the creature. "Oh my god..."
"You recognize that thing?" Norman asked as he unbuckled his seatbelt. I did the same, nodding.
"Venom. An alien symbiote, he needs a host to survive here on Earth."
Norman got out of the car and tossed me something. "What's this?" It looked like a pair wrist bands. As I flipped them over, they split into two.
"Put them on, if we get into trouble, tap them together," he said, watching as Venom started running back in the direction of start of the standstill. "Tell me more about this thing, please. As much as you can."
We started jogging after Venom.
"Like I said before, he's a symbiote, so he needs a host. If he is using the same guy, it'll be Eddie Brock. Without his host he can't survive for long. He's weaker too. Also, his host has to be a good match, like organ donation y'know? If the host isn't a good match, the symbiote will kill it. As for abilities," I paused. We were closer to the area now, and there was debris everywhere. Cars were overturned and the few people left were fleeing. Norman tapped his chest, his usual armor spreading across his body. It was the same armor I had found him in, a bright and shiny green color. The only thing different was the mask. Instead of the full goblin mask, the armor spread over the bottom half of his face and then formed into goggles. I flinched at a crash.
"Abilities, he's able to jump insanely high, super strength, practically bullet proof, his goop- skin- whatever you wanna call it is stretchy and can form into many things, and he can heal super fast. That's all I can remember off the top of my head," I finished.
"Tap the bracelets together. I don't want to take any chances," Norman ordered, gesturing to the wrist bands. I obeyed, slipping them on and tapping them together. I watched as armor spread up my forearms, covering my chest and neck. Boxy compartments formed on the top of my arms, and I found when I flexed my arm a certain way, a long blade slid out of the ones closest to my hands. "Oh shit, this is cool," I said, looking back at Norman. "Thanks."
He nodded. "It's not finished yet, but should protect you well enough. Now, do not enter the fight unless you have to, okay? This is more than just fighting thugs."


We reached the eye of the storm in minutes. Now, it wasn't really a storm, but it could have been, because as soon as Norman entered the ring of bashed up cars, debris started flying everywhere. And by flying, I mean literally. The debris was floating by itself in the air, creating a whirlwind of scrap metal and dirt.
What the hell is this? Venom can't do this kind of stuff! He must have a buddy with him.
I couldn't think of any people from the movies that had telekinesis, except the Scarlet Witch and Doctor Strange. I knew it was unlikely either of them were causing this. Could it be aerokinesis?
I was crouched behind a somewhat intact car, watching Norman stalk forward. It didn't look like there was wind trying to unbalance him from the inside. It seemed like the objects in the air were creating some wind with how rapidly they were spinning. I scoured the area for any hint of someone other than Venom. Speaking of which, the symbiote had approached and confronted Norman. I could hear him roaring about Spiderman from here. What the hell does he want with Peter anyways?
I shook my head. Nevermind that, I have to find that- my train of thought halted as I spotted movement from across the ring. There. I couldn't get a good look at them from here, so I started sneaking around the edge of the ring towards them. I watched out of the corner of my eye as Norman and Venom started fighting. It was a horribly unbalanced fight, especially since Norman didn't have his glider. Without it he couldn't escape up into the air to avoid some of Venom's attacks, though, who knows how much more of an advantage that would give him.

I continued to make my way around the area, keeping myself as hidden as possible. I was so focused on staying out of sight I nearly missed the spot I was aiming for. I doubled back just in time, hiding behind a wall as Venoms partner in crime paced by. They were tall, and I could see a mess of short brown hair. It seemed like they were completely focused on Venom and Norman's fight.
Suddenly a flash of red caught my eye. Spiderman. There he was, finally. Maybe he could balance the fight between Norman and Venom. My hope quickly vanished, though, when I realized the wall of debris was making it near impossible for Peter to get through. Shit, I thought, how is he gonna get through?
My eyes drifted to the person in front of me. They had noticed Peter as well. If they really were the one creating the wall, then they were right there. I could make them drop it.
Norman's words from earlier briefly flashed through my mind. I glanced back towards him and Venom. He was losing, and without help he could very well get seriously injured.

This isn't like fighting thugs. These guy's have more than just knives.

I could get hurt.

Norman could get hurt if you don't shut the fuck up and do something.

I jumped forward, quickly closing the distance between me and the telekinesis guy. He barely had time to react before I unsheathed one of the blades hidden in my armor and grabbed him, holding it against his throat.
"You're gonna drop that wall right now, otherwise you're gonna walk away with a lot less blood," I snarled quietly, feeling them tense up. "Your choice, buddy."


Whoo boy, new character! 👀
Fun fact for those of you who don't know, the characters that aren't in the movies/TV shows/comics are based off of some of my friends. Edith, Constantine, Deo (yes, even Deo) and the new character.
Theres another character on its way too, but I'm not sure what to do with him quite yet... We shall see ;)

Also, have some Constantine art

Thanks for reading! <3

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