Chapter 3

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I woke to the sound of breaking glass. I sat up in bed, holding still for a second to see if I heard anything dangerous. This was the MCU, after all.
Instead of fighting, all that I picked up was swearing.
Someone must have spilt something in the lab.

I dragged myself out of bed and exited the room. I made a mental note to see if I could get more clothes later, since all I had were the same clothes I had arrived here in.
I had picked a room close to the start of the hallway, so it took little time for me to reach my destination. Opening the door, I peeked inside to see Norman cleaning up glass shards. His back was turned towards me, so he didn't notice I was there until I spoke, "Hey, uh, need any help?"
He jumped at my voice, turning to look at me. "Who-?"
"Oh, I'm Coran. I'm new here, I guess you could say."
"Ah, right. Tony mentioned you'd be here. I didn't expect you to sneak up on me though," he laughed. "I'm Norman Osborn, but you can call me Norman." He stood, brushing himself off before offering a hand to shake with a smile.
I obliged with a nod. "So... Any chance you know anything about breakfast? If you don't need any help, that is. Im happy to assist."

Norman nodded. "Yes, let me get this glass cleaned up and then I'll show you, I haven't eaten yet either. It should only take a minute."
Next thing I knew, we were in the elevator heading to the kitchen. I leaned against the railing with my arms crossed, watching the floor number change. ...God this is awkward. As elevators always are.
"So you're a scientist?" Great start, Coran. 'aRe YoU a ScIeNtIsT?' you literally found him in a lab.
"Somewhat, yeah. Though nowadays I also do missions for Tony, put my abilities to good use."
I blinked. "Abilities?"
"Well, other than the obvious cliche super strength and over all agility, I'm apparently the "leader some of these dumbasses need"."
"Ohh. So you help lead the team."
"Not everyone, just three others. I also heard how in your universe we were movies, so I'm not sure what you may and may not know. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask," he smiled again.
"Care to explain how the teams and stuff work? I don't think they had something like that in my universe..."

As we stepped off the elevator, Norman proceeded to explain. Since Thanos was killed, Tony brought who he could together to New York City and created pretty much a "mini but not so mini avengers." Anyone that was approved of could join and use their abilities for the greater good. When you joined, you were put onto a certain team, which were actually called Packs, since they could have up to 30 members and it reminded Tony of wolves or dogs... For whatever reason. These Packs were stationed in different areas around the world, serving as a superhuman police squad. Their job was to mainly keep an eye out for superhuman criminals, and assist the regular police when needed.

"So if I wanted to join one, I'd have to pass some sort of test right?"
"Oh, you've already been accepted. You're actually being placed in my Pack."
I raised my eyebrows. "What? When did...?"
"I don't know how, but when you tore a chunk out of Tony's forearm, you somehow impressed him."
"W-well it wasn't a chunk I only bit him... Its kinda embarrassing actually..."
Norman chuckled. "Don't worry about it, we all make mistakes."

I snorted and shrugged. We had reached the kitchen by now, which was astonishingly huge. And shiny. And screamed "im rich" for everyone who entered.
"Holy shit- WHO NEEDS A KITCHEN THIS BIG?" I exclaimed.
"Tony, apparently," Norman responded, looking amused at my shocked expression.
After taking it in, I followed Norman in. Much to my delight, I found eggo waffles in the freezer and immediately put some in the toaster. As I waited for them to finish cooking, I asked, "Why was I put in your Pack? Not complaining, but I'm just curious."
"I insisted on it, actually," he managed to look a little embarrassed. "I feel bad for attacking you yesterday, so I thought, "why not make it up by being the one to train her?" I hope you don't mind."
I shook my head. "No no, it's completely fine, but you weren't the one to attack me, it was Green Bean."
Norman looked at me, then burst out laughing. "Green Bean! Oh my god. That's got to be the best thing he's ever been called."
I grinned, pleased to have made him laugh. My waffles finished, and I fished them out of the toaster to let them cool. When they had cooled, I went straight to eating them. Eggo waffles are awesome without syrup, prove me wrong.
When I bit into them however, it was weird due to my new fangs. "Damn, so much work to take a bite," I muttered, maneuvering a waffle around the sharp incisors.

When I was finished eating, I took my plate over to the sink to wash it. Just as I finished, Norman asked, "Do you mind if I run a couple tests on you? Tony asked me to see if I could at some point."
I shrugged. "Sure, why not." I assumed it would be the basic check-up kind of thing, but was wrong. Back at the lab, Norman asked me to extend my non dominant arm. I rolled up my sleeve and did so. I flinched at the prick of the needle. He only took a bit of blood, then took the needle out and tossed it in the trash. "There we go," he said, placing the vial next to a machine that I assumed was some kind of analyzer, "I can look that over later. Now for a couple questions."
"Alrighty, hit me with em."
He started with the usual doctor-y questions you'd get when visiting the clinic, and then moved on to some that I assumed were normally reserved for superhumans, as he said.
"Are you human?"
"Have you been experiencing anything strange or different, such as developing mutations or powerful abilities."
"Uhh, yes?"
He looked a bit surprised. "Oh?"
"I didn't have these canines until yesterday," I said, baring my teeth for him to see.
"Oh my," He murmured. I held still as he reached out to lightly touch them. "These popped up yesterday? Anything else?"
"Yeah, it feels like my senses have been given a boost. I can hear, like, everything around me, down to the littlest sound. When you broke that glass earlier, it sounded like it was just outside my door. I can smell the jumble of chemicals in that cabinet, and the donut in your pocket."
Norman smiled, "You can't blame me, donuts are delicious." He scribbled down some notes on a clipboard then ushered me over to a different part of the room. For the next 10 minuets, he weighed me, had me stretch, and then had me lifting various heavy things to test my strength.
"Did these muscles pop up yesterday too?" He joked as I almost effortlessly picked up a cabinet.
I shook my head, ginning. My strength was one of the few things I liked about myself. "Nah, in my world I got hired for various jobs that required heavy lifting. Anything from hauling furniture to delivering scrap metal."
"Well, your strength will not go to waste, thats for sure."
With the tests done, I left Norman to go explore the rest of the tower.
"Oh, don't forget, next week we're going to be heading off to where we are stationed. That's when we'll begin your training!" Norman called after me.
I gave him a thumbs up and then continued on my way.

Alright y'all... Next chapter... Things will get a bit more interesting... :)

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