Chapter 7

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I picked my head up from the pillow to squint at Edith as she burst into my room. "Humphhhh?"
"Get up! We're all going out, apparently theres a new food shop close by."
"Mmph. What time is it..." I flailed around, looking for my phone. I picked it up after my hand finally hit it, and looked at the time. "Oh jesus, its twelve? Why didn't any of y'all wake me up?!" I immediately, though sluggishly, got myself out of bed as Edith disappeared with a laugh, leaving me to get dressed. I threw on a random t-shirt and a pair of shorts before I joined everyone else in the hallway.

"Ready?" Norman asked, jingling the car keys.
My stomach rumbled. "Well there's your answer," I snorted. "Yeah."
Everyone climbed into the car, Norman and Constantine up front, me, Edith and Octavious in the back.
"So, Coran," Norman started after a couple minutes of conversation with Constantine on his new gear, "I heard you had a little, for lack of better word, scare yesterday. How're you holding up?"
"Oh, yes uh, I'm doing pretty okay actually," I responded awkwardly. "I'm not quite sure what to think about it. This obviously hasn't happened before so I'm both confused and a bit freaked out on what's happening. Though less freaked out than yesterday, I will add."
"That's good. I thought I'd let you know, your DNA test came in, and everything seems healthy."
I felt a small wave of relief. "Thank the stars," I breathed.

The rest of the ride was chill, everyone started explaining how their gear worked and the best way to disarm their opponent on the battlefield.
Constantine's weapon was quite interesting. Apparently he had a collection of a sort of glass ball, each filled with different types of gases. He could mainly use them as a smoke screen, or put people to sleep during them. He rarely carried deadly gases.
Edith carries a spear- apparently no one knows what it's made out of, but it's able to go transparent and intangible along with her.
Norman of course has his pumpkin bombs along with different weapons built into his suit, and Octavious has his actuators.

We arrived at the new store, which was already bustling with people. Jeeze, I never realized how many people there were in the outskirts of the city. Climbing out of the car, I followed the others inside. The store was beautiful, decorated in red and pale yellow decor, with countless shelves of food. (can you tell im hungry yet? LMAO)

"Oh my god," I gasped, as the smell of what can only be described as heaven hit me. "It smells amazing in here bro!"
"You look like you've just entered the paradise," Edith laughed when she saw my face.
"If this isn't, I don't know what is."
I ran over to one of the shelves displaying fresh bread. I never knew how much I loved food until this moment.


We were just leaving the store when I heard shouting and someone slammed into me from behind, making me stumble. I caught myself and turned to see someone sprinting away from the store, leaving behind the smell of cheap cologne.
"THIEF!" The cashier came bursting out of the store. They swore when they realized the robber was gone.
"What did they take?" I asked, turning to the cashier. She looked to be in her early twenties.
"Oh you know, just all the money from the register! Shit, my boss is going to kill me."
"How did they even get- nevermind. I'll be back," I said, and started running to where I saw the thief last without a second thought.

"Coran!" I ignored Norman yelling at me to come back. I raced down the street and skidded to a stop at an alleyway. When I inhaled, I could smell the same cheap cologne. I closed my eyes for a second and a mental map formed in my mind, the scent like a bright string of light guiding me. I opened my eyes again and turned down the alleyway, catching sight of the guy disappearing over the top of a fence near the end. "Shit," I muttered as I drew closer to the fence. How was I going to get my fat ass over that? I couldn't waste any time though, and jumped, reaching up to latch onto the top of the fence, but nearly yelped in shock when I practically flew over it. I landed on the other side and saw the guy again, this time taking a turn into another alley. Well that was a pleasant surprise, I thought, maybe these developing powers ain't so bad.

I quickly caught up with the thief, who found himself cornered in a dead end. "Hey," I said sharply, making him turn around, "hand over the bag."
"No," he refused, a slight shake in his voice. "Don't make me shoot you!" He raised a gun. I froze, my brows furrowed. Im not bullet proof. I stayed still, watching him. "Look kid, it ain't yours. Give it to me and we can be done. I'll let you go."
He shook his head. A scent drifted over to me, I couldn't quite explain what it was like, but then I noticed the hand holding the gun was shaking a bit. He's scared, I realized. I crouched down a bit, creeping forward a step. "I just want the bag man, I'm not gonna hurt you..." I took another step. "Just put down the gun and we can talk."
The man, or rather boy I should say, as I could properly see his face now, readjusted his grip. "Stay back!"
I took another step. "I think we both know you don't wanna d-"
The gun went off, making me startle. He stared at me in shock. I didn't feel any pain, so I jumped forward before the boy could react and grabbed the gun twisting it out of his grip. Once I had it, I tossed it as far as I could and slammed the guy into the wall, knocking him from his initial shock. He drew a knife then, and just as I was about to rip the bag out of his grip, it flashed downwards and ripped a jagged wound into my upper arm. I screeched in pain, feeling the surge of strength from when I sparred Octavious, and using that I picked up and threw the boy into a wall. "Gah, FUCK! You dumbass, I said we could talk! I didn't wanna fight you!" Hearing no response, I looked over to see him sitting slumped up against the wall. I crouched down next to him. He was out, and after a quick check over, realized it might have been purely out of fear because I didn't find any blood or wounds. "Jesus," I muttered, picking up the bag. I hesitated, looking down at him. No, he'll be okay. He just passed out, he can find his way home when he wakes up, I'm sure.
I sighed, then jumped when I heard a thump and a very angry "Coran."
I turned around to see Octavious glowering at me. "I uh... Actually I'm not gonna say anything, you're clearly pissed and I'll just make you more angry," I said, slowly getting quieter as he continued to glare. His actuators chittered, drawing his attention to the wound on my arm. His angry gaze quickly melted away into worry. "You're bleeding," he stated, approaching me quickly. I involuntarily flinched away when his hand brushed up against it, making him retract his arm before pressing forward again to apply pressure.
"You need to be careful," he said gruffly, "and not run off like that. You're barely trained and-"
"Barely trained my ass, I almost beat you yesterday, and this was just some thief!"
"You got hurt!" He snapped, taking out a bandage from out of nowhere. He started bandaging my arm. I held still and glared at the ground. I'm not a goddamn child to be scolded.
"So what, it's just a small wound. Why do you care so much about it."
That earned me a slap upside the head. "Don't be stupid, you're part of the pack. We've known you less than a week and yet I, and I'm sure the others will agree on this, find that you're wellbeing is just as important as everyone else's."
I stared at him in surprise. He was now focused on bandaging, giving me the chance to briefly study his face before looking away when his eyes flicked to mine.
"There," he said, giving it a gentle pat. "Lets go, the others are waiting."

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