Chapter 8

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Norman's POV

"Coran!" I yelled, trying to call her back but to no avail. "Son of a bitch."
"Do you want me to go after her?" Constantine asked, fully prepared to go racing after her. He was fast, but if I was being honest, I was a bit curious to see how she would handle to situation. I shook my head. "Just wait. She's strong, and its just a simple thief. If we hear anything, Octavious you go after her. You have the medical supplies," I said, gesturing to his hidden actuators. They had hidden compartments near their bases, and we had redesigned his usual torso belt that helped hold them to be able to fit things in them just in case.
I waited impatiently, worried.

Just then, I heard a shot go off. "Go!" I waved Octavious off even as he was already freeing his limbs and scaling the building. The rest of us ducked into the car before anyone could piece together that we came with him. Luckily the car also had tinted windows, so it was difficult to see inside.


Coran's POV

We arrived back at the store in one piece (mostly), to Norman's relief. As soon as he spotted us coming back down over the rooftops he jumped out of the car with a relieved smile. Octavious disappeared momentarily to return the stolen money to the poor cashier.
"Hey-" I was cut off by Norman pulling me into a tight hug. "Oh."
"Quickly, into the car," he rushed once he pulled back. Seconds later Octavious had jumped in and we were off.
I was quiet the rest of the ride home, as well as everyone else, wondering if they were angry with me for running off. I was definitely thrown off by both Octavious and Norman's worry. They had barely known me more than a week or two, yet here they were fussing over my wounds and giving me hugs. I couldn't help feeling a little flustered whenever I thought back to Norman pulling me into that hug at the shop.
Stop that, I scolded myself. We're not playing that game.


The rest of the day passed quickly. Norman declared a skip on training today, and most likely the rest of the week depending on how my wound did. I spent most of the time lounging around with Deo, watching Edith and Constantine spar. I could tell they were mostly playing around, and at one point Edith used her powers to fly right through the wolf, causing him to freak out and run around waving his hands around as if he touched something gross at the bottom of the sink. "EUGHHH NEVER DO THAT AGAIN THANK YOU," He yelped. Edith doubled over in laughter and I grinned, watching them from one of the picnic tables set up near the pavilion. I picked absentmindedly at the bandage wrapped around my upper arm. Octavious had redone it when we got back, making sure it was properly tightened. Edith and Constantine walked over and sat (or in Constantine's case, flopped) at the table.
"Hey guys," I grinned. "Enjoy your play fight?"
Edith nodded, grinning as well while Constantine made a meh sound. "It's ridiculous how much stamina she has," he complained. "You're like... God-level strong too!"
"If anyone's a god, it's Deo," Edith said, looking at the feline, who was currently sprawled out and enjoying the sunshine.
"Huh? Why would Deo be a god?" I asked.
"Oh my gosh, you don't know the story," Edith sat up straight, smacking her hands down on the table dramatically. Constantine perked up. "You're right!"
"So this one time..." Edith started, telling the tale of how there was this super strong villain she was fighting. While the others were busy keeping off it's minions, Edith was about to lose her advantage and then... "Whoosh! In comes Deo and this crazy thing bites the hell out of the guy's shoulder. He then grabbed Deo and threw him into a wall, so hard to make it crack, and after I beat the crap out of him, here comes Deo again, trotting up to me without a scratch!"
"Oh my god," I laughed, "this actually happened? That's insane!"
"Believe me, I wouldn't have listened to me either if I didn't see it with my own eyes."
"Oh, remember that one time I fought this thug that had some crazy electrokinesis?" Constantine started.
I grinned, settling in for the next story.

A few minutes in, I started getting this weird prickling in the back of my neck and forearms, as if I were being watched. It was like a bell was going off in my mind, making my senses stretch in search of some sort of threat. My smile faded into a frown and I glanced behind me. It was starting to edge towards sunset, dousing the backyard in golden waves of color. Constantine's rambling faded into the background as I focused on everything else. I didn't hear anything unusual, and no unfamiliar scent wafted over to me.
"Hello? Coran?"
Edith's voice grabbed my attention. "Huh? Sorry, what?"
"Are you okay bro?"
"Yeah I'm good." I glanced down at my arms, which still felt prickly, and inhaled sharply in surprise. They were coated in a thin layer of fur. As I stared, the hairs slowly flattened and receded back into my skin. They were standing on end, like a dog raising it's hackles, or a cat puffing up it's fur to make it look bigger, I realized. Because I was feeling threatened, even if nothing was there.
I looked up at Edith and Constantine, who were watching my reaction carefully.
"...Well then."
The pair glanced at eachother, then back at me. "Well that was strange," Constantine commented, standing up. "I'll be right back, I've gotta make sure Deo's bowl is full."
"Alright, cya," I waved as he walked back to the house, and moment later Deo was bounding after him.


Constantine's POV

I entered the house, and after a quick glance around I noted that Norman and Otto were probably in the basement. I went over and filled Deo's bowl to the brim like I said I would, stopping to give the cat some pats before heading to the basement door.
Whenever anyone wasn't in there, it was locked. That way no one who wasn't apart of the pack could get in and try to steal some of the high tech equipment we had. Everyone had a key, except for Coran. This was mainly because no one had thought of giving her a key yet. I'll have to make sure to get her one.
The door was unlocked, so I went ahead and opened it, heading down the steps. Both of the older men were working on something like I suspected.
"Hey," I greeted, drawing their attention.
Norman nodded a greeting to me before turning back to his work.
"Coran just grew fur for about 30 seconds. Outside."
This made both look up at me at the same time.
"She did what now?"
"I think we should go to Doctor Strange or something about this, cuz I'd really like to know what is going on with this whole transformation thing," I said, walking over to them. "What are you working on, by the way?"
"Experimenting with nanotechnology," Otto replied. "Stark explained how he made armor and such with it, so we are attempting something similar ourselves."
Norman nodded. "And to answer your earlier statement, that might be a good idea. Shes progressing faster than expected, and mind you she's only been in this universe for what, almost three weeks?"
I stared at Norman, noticing Otto do the same. "Wait, what?"
He gave me a questioning look, before the realization hit him. "Oh shit, I completely forgot to tell you guys. Okay," He put down his tools. He started to explain the events of how he met the woman, starting with when Goblin took control just before we left for the week long mission.

By the time he was finished, I was still processing the fact that Coran was from a different universe. "Wait wait wait, so you're saying she said she's from a universe where we are all movies?"
"Yes. Theoretically. She said she doesn't believe this is the exact universe that she watched. Apparently I, and assuming Otto as well, were supposed to be returned to our original universes when Doctor Strange fixed the forget spell."
"...Wow. Just, I don't have many words to express how I feel about this. Its just... Shocking really."
Norman laughed. "That's understandable. I fet the same exact way."
"Wow." I breathed again. "Okay, so then, how do we get to Doctor Strange?"
"Good question... I'd have to contact Stark, he was able to get ahold of him last time. I'll do that in a bit."
"Alright. Well, I'll leave you two to your nanotechnology. Have fun," I said, giving a small wave as I headed back up the stairs.


Friendly reminder that suggestions and ideas are always welcome! Feel free to comment OR send me a DM :))

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