Chapter Ten

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"You see it wasnt that bad waiting for me outside my office." I tell Aiden as he walks in.

"Don't flatter yourself, darling. The only reason I wasn't in here was because I needed to go to the firm to pick up a few things before coming." He says taking a seat on the couch in front of the chair I'm sitting in. I honestly don't feel like sitting behind the desk today, my legs are killing me from the gym and I have a headache from too much wine last night. I need to start holding back on drinking.

"Still weren't here," I tell him with a slight grin. Before he can answer I stand up and walk to the door of my office to talk to Alice. "What office did you find for Mr.Black?".

"Since we fired the legal department, the director office on the twelfth floor is available." Alice says, looking up from her computer at her desk.

"Great, do you have the agreement ready?" I ask Alice.

"Yes here it is." She hands me the paperwork, I quickly scan it and say, "Thanks." I close the door behind me.

"So Black," I say, still looking at the contract and sitting back down. I look up to be met by another one of his smirks. Seriously what's with him and smirking. "What?"

"You called me by my name." I don't mind answering him and just get straight to the point. Did he think I was going to call him Elijas son throughout all this process. I'm stubborn but everyone has limits.

"I need you to sign this contract and then I'll call someone to take you to your office." I say leaning over and handing him the papers. He takes them and reads the title immediately questioning, "Why do you want me to sign an NDA?"

"There are things that are probably going to come out with this lawsuit. Things that can not only harm the company's reputation but mine, so I'm covering all my bases." I say crossing my legs. Which his eyes instantly linger towards.

"So you don't trust me?" He asks with a raised brow, meeting my eyes again. I don't like how he says that not in a way that he is hurt, but daring. Really how could I trust him, I literally just met him, and there's only a handful of people that I actually trust in this messed up world.

"Don't take it personally, I don't trust anyone." We lock eyes and I wait for him to back down first, but he doesn't. He matches my stare. Neither of us falters, so I do the next best thing. I unravel my legs, which his eyes immediately go down to. That makes me smirk, because it means I won. Good thing I decided to wear a blazer dress today.

"Fine." He says taking out a pen from his charcoal jacket and hovering it from the paperwork. I look at his big hand holding that small pen, everything must look so small beside him.

His emerald eyes look up and catch me staring. With a grin on his face he signs and hands the papers back to me. I really want to wipe the smirk off his face.

"Is there anything else you need?" He asks, but I don't get a chance to respond as someone barges into my office.

"Who the fuck do you think you are firing my whole deparetment." It's the head of legal. This couldn't be more convenient or ironic.

"Mr. Smith, first of all you need to calm down." I say, calmly standing up a few feet away from him, disregarding the man sitting on my couch.

"I'm not going to calm down. You are fucking insane if you think you are going to get away with this." He says slowly, stepping closer with a pointing finger. From my sideview I see Aiden standing up to his full height, and opening his mouth, but I stop him, sending him a death stare. I'm not fucking kidding if he even thinks about saying something I'm going to kick his ass no matter how big he is. This is my employee, well ex-employee and I'll handle this situation.

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