Chapter Fifty-Two

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Much to my dislike Aiden ended up carrying me bridal style halfway to the gazebo. I was making my way there, slowly but steadily. I'm way too stubborn and determined to give up and at one point he just picked me up in frustration and in a few long strides got us to snowless and sandless safety. I didn't like one bit of it, but the only thing I did was roll my eyes. It was because of me we were taking so long in the first place, but I never admitted I couldn't do it, because I technically could, he just didn't want to wait. That's his fault not mine.

There ended up being dinner at the table. Sushi to be more specific. The sushi from the place I first got him dinner from as a welcome. It made me smile when I first saw the name of the restaurant and when I looked up to look at Aiden and saw him looking down at me with those emerald eyes, I couldn't help but kiss him.

We talked meaninglessly throughout dinner and now we are seated on a bench facing the water and drowned in the blankets that were here. My back is on Aiden's chest, and he is leaning against the railing. I take his hand lacing my finger through it, looking at them together.

"You know I always figured that the more I read the closer I am to knowing everything," I say, while I draw little circles on his knuckles. I can feel Aiden chuckling but I don't hear his laugh, and I slightly smirk.

"It's technically true, but you know it's unattainable. You can't really know everything," I know that, I'm not stupid.

"Gee, thanks for crushing my life's goal," I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Anytime, darling," Aiden responds and kisses the top of my head, I can feel the pull on his lips. He is smiling. Of course he is. "Is that why you read?" He asks.

"No, it's just a thought I had one night, but you know what I realized tonight?" I ask, moving my head to the side so that I can see his face. Aiden raises a brow.

"That I don't want to know everything. I just want to know everything about you," I say, giving him a smile, and raking my hand through the thick strands of Aiden's hair. I'm fully aware of how cheesy that sounds and that is exactly my point. But regardless of its cheesiness, it's true. I want to know more, I want to know enough that I know what he's thinking without him telling me, that I know what he's feeling without him telling me, and we may be somewhat near but we're not there. Yet.

Aiden shakes his head while leaning down, grabbing the nape of my neck and kissing me. When I break apart catching a breath he leans back against the railing again. "I told you once, you just got to ask, darling. I'll always answer," He says looking down at me.

"What if I don't want to ask?" Aiden smirks.

"Then I guess you'll never know, will you?" He's trying to challenge me. I already know this, but I still cave.

"Fine then, let's play twenty questions," I tell him sitting up straighter. He sets an arm on my lower stomach making sure I don't detach myself from his chest.

"What are we? Teenagers?" He says full on smiling. I already know we are going to do this.

"Would you shut up and just ask something?"

"Where did you meet Mariana?" Is the first thing he asks. Mariana hasn't told him, I could've sworn she had.

"You don't know?"

"I do, I just want to hear it from you," I roll my eyes, and I'm the cheesy one.

"First day of university in Spain. I was there doing my Masters and so was she, and then we just met." I remember it like it was yesterday. I was walking outside in the courtyard and Mariana bumped into me. She likes to say we bumped into each other but she really crashed into me. I was immediately annoyed by her, cursing her out, my bag and everything inside it was on the ground and she tried to pick it up but I didn't let her. Eventually she annoyed me even more with her I'm sorry's and I told her it was fine and walked away. She followed me around for the rest of the day saying she was truly sorry. I know anyone else wouldn't do that but by my expression I know she knew I didn't really forgive her, and she made sure I did and told me she would take me everywhere in Spain to let her make up for it. That was the first true fun night I had ever had. "Soon after we moved in together, graduated, and started Luxe," Aiden's eyes flip to my lips and I notice I'm smiling. He cups my jaw and traces his thumb over my mouth and I hold his hand, completely turning on the bench and completely facing him. He drapes my legs on top of his lap.

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