Chapter Fifty

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I'm dreaming, I'm sure I must be dreaming. I turn scanning all my surroundings, not wanting to miss a thing. I don't know why the hell I took so long to come here, I wish I hadn't settled for the public library. Don't get me wrong I love the New York Public Library, it is amazing. It has all the books you could ever want, it was basically my childhood. But this, this is another level.

I'm in the Morgan Library freaking Museum. Just me and Aiden are here, I don't know why, and right now I don't seem to care why there aren't people swarming the halls. I look at the paintings on the high ceilings, the stacks, rows and rows of famous books. Well renowned books. I love it here, I never want to leave. The soft yellow light hits everywhere around us, making the ambience deeper.

I look back at the six foot four man standing behind me, watching me with a small smile on his face. I give him a full smile back, probably looking like an excited little girl. That's not a look I wear, ever. But this is just another level of incredible.

"Come on," Aiden says, stepping forward and putting his hand on my lower back.

"How is this even possible?" I ask, as he guides me while I still drink my surroundings in.

"I have my ways," he says, full of smugness.

"Right now, I don't even care about your cockiness." I look towards a small pillar, a glass set above the wood. I squint my eyes, trying to read the sign beside it. I gasp. "Here," I told Aiden, pulling his arm towards the display.

I stand in front of it, reading the infamous Gutenberg. "You know latin?" Aiden asks from beside me. I force my eyes off the book. I'll read you in just a second, I need to answer this incredible man.

"I speak all the romance languages, so I figured I should learn the one where the rest derived from. You know," Being a bookworm since I'm small has its perks. Since Aubrey presented me to a book, I never stopped reading. I could catch on to things easily and I also like their variety. I could one moment be learning something about great philosophy and the next I could be in another universe.

"Why doesn't that surprise me," Aiden says, with a smirk.

"Is that a good or bad thing?" I raise a brow at him, my body still facing the display but my eyes set on his.

"It's everything and nothing," Ok, this is officially annoying.

"As much as I love paradoxes, Black. This one is starting to get on my nerves," This is like the fourth time he says it.

Aiden just sets his hand around my waist and starts to draw small circles on my hip. And unless the smirk that hasn't left his face is an answer I don't think I'll get one. At least not now, so I let out a breath and focus on something else. "What about you? Besides Spanish what else do you speak," I say, returning my gaze to the old book in front of me.

"One day, Sky." He mutters loud enough for me to hear. I know he means the little 'everything and nothing' riddle. I don't answer him and keep reading the book. "Just a few here and there," he continues. Right, I asked him something.

"Aiden," my tone annoyed. I shouldn't even bother asking him questions if he's just going to divert them into not really answering. "It's incredible, that even when we're dating I want to strangle you," I mutter.

"I'm the one that pins you down and wraps my hands around your fragile little neck, darling. Not the other way around," He says huskily to my ear, but his attempts don't work and I throw him a glare. He only smirks.

"Besides Spanish. French, Russian, Italian and Greek," He says, noting my annoyance. He speaks Greek? That is not easy to learn.

"Greek?" I question, looking at him again, interested. And if I didn't know any better I would say he looks relieved by my interest. He shrugs his shoulders and responds, "I had a Greek philosophy stage, and I don't like reading translations." That just makes me roll my eyes and return my gaze to the historic book in front of me.

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