C h a p t e r 18

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I saw Draco in the corridor... sitting alone. And it seems like he is thinking deeply... But look more at worrying.

"Draco?!..." When he heard me he immediately stood up to walk away.

"Please, Draco—"

"I don't wanna talk to you, Aggie... Just leave me alone!!" He hissed and turned his back on me.

I followed him... until we got to the astronomy tower. I saw him... So anxious, scared, and desperate. As his hand leaned on the ledge he took a deep breath... "You can't just kill Dumbledore!... I know it's you! You could've killed Katie... she's innocent!!... Please, we can still find another way, Draco. We still have time."

"No! I don't have!! My father is pressuring me! You don't understand!! You know nothing! Aggie! So stop acting like you know my pain! You will never understand..." Draco exclaimed. "I'm all alone— and you're not! We are different."

"I'm here for you, Draco... Please?! Just let me help you... You don't have to do this alone" I said calmly.

"You know the Dark Lord, Aggie! I have to do what's been ordered... Or else he's gonna kill me and my entire family," Draco uttered anxiously while suppressing his sob.

I could see it in his eyes... How damaged he was... And it's slowly destroying him "I promise you... I will protect you... Just let me help you!"

"You should be in the Slug Club stupid party!! That's where you belong!— stay out of it... I have to do this alone... I'm the chosen... I must prove it!— that I'm better than Potter!"

"You are!! Better than him. Potter knows nothing but his destiny of becoming a hero! While we might be seen as a villain— we are not evil! We are just surviving! No one can understand you better than me Draco!... Trust me. Let's get through this together. You and me, against the world..."

"Stop with your nonsense! You don't know what you are talking about! You are just a mere girl... You can't make changes!" Draco said sharply and left me alone dumbfounded.

He might be right... I don't know what I should do to help him... I couldn't even help myself...

"He's wrong—" I woke up in my senses when I heard a familiar voice. It's him again— after a half year of banished, he came to mess me up again. "Did you really think that our connection has been broken just because you thought that you, finally, acquired and controlled the power that I gave you?... You still don't know how to control it, you just know how to resist it! You may be able to stop it— for now. But the time will come when you will use it to destroy the world. You are just like me, my child... You are!... selfish— arrogant— and greedy! Stop hiding!"

"You are wrong!! I'm nothing like you!" I exclaimed.

He grinned and laughed evilly "Then why are you not doing anything to stop the pathetic self-entitled Dark Lord?! You have the power but you choose to do nothing and stay with your  romantic fantasy with your teacher!"

"Don't mention him with your filthy mouth!" I exclaimed as I shook my head while glaring at him firmly "You know nothing about me! About us! If only I could! I already destroyed the Dark Lord the first time we met! For threatening me and my father!... But I can't!"

"You're naivety will gonna let you killed... You and your friends!. Remember, Magic blooms in only rare souls... You just have to know how to use it properly and nurture it... It's not over my child... It is not. You'll be needing me— my power— soon enough! When the time you're regretting resisting that power inside you" He said determinately before banishing again.

I was so upset while walking in the corridor, on my way to the Slug Club party... when I heard a familiar voice.

"I swore to protect you! I made an unbreakable vow! Let me help you!!" Snape exclaimed vividly while aggressively holding Draco's arm, pinning him against the wall.

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