Chapter 8:

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sorry about not posting lately, but i promise i am trying. i have been piled with so much work and have exams to study for. the story will progress but you all have to be patient with me. it might take time for me to upload.

i love you all <3

feel free to leave suggestions to help improve the story. ANYWAYS, enjoy the story.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Katniss P.O.V:

I pull up to Finnick's house. Actually, house is an understatement. His house is HUGE. It is basically a mansion, but that's thanks to his mom's company. Mrs.Odair owns the biggest fashion company in the entirety of Panem. Pretty cool.

I ring the doorbell and Mrs.Odair opens the door. She immediately pull me into a hug. "Oh Katniss dear. It's been so long. How have you been?" She says giving me a kiss on the forehead.

Mrs.Odair has always been like my mom. After my dad died, my mom went into depression. She abandoned me and Prim. I became the mom of the family and had to take care of Prim since I was 11. Mrs.Odair took me under her wing and looked out for me. She made sure I was eating and doing well in school. She was more of a mother to me more than my mother has ever been. Her and my uncle Haymitch looked out for me and they still do. I am so grateful for them. It's also quite a coincidence that they are both filthy rich. I pretty much got anything I ever wanted, even if I didn't ask for it.

I hug her back, "I have been doing fine, thanks Mrs.Odair. Is Finnick and the group here?" I ask.

"Oh yes, Finnick is here but only some of the group are here," she says. She looks over my shoulder. "Who's this handsome lad you brought with you?" She asks smugly.

"Shoot right. Mrs.Odair this is Peeta. The newest group member. He moved to Panem this summer and joined school last week." I say.

Peeta smiles and sticks his hand out. "Don't be a stranger everyone is welcome here." She says pulling him into a hug.

He looks startled at first then hugs her back awkwardly. I laugh a little bit. I give him a look that says 'Get used to it'.

"Well I don't want to keep you waiting. I will be leaving now. Feel free to take anything if you need it. You can order any food if you want any as well. Have fun. Bye Katniss, I will see you soon dear. Bye Peeta, it was lovely meeting you." Mrs.Odair says grabbing her bag and heading out the front door.

"Bye." Me and Peeta say in unison.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" I say grabbing Peeta's hand. It sends a warm and tingling sensation all over my body but I ignore it. "HEY FUCKNUTS! ME AND PEETA ARE HERE!" I scream.

"Hey Katniss! In the living room." I hear Finnick shout. We both enter the living room, seeing Finnick, Annie, Marvel and Glimmer sitting down. "Hey Ann." I say giving her a hug.

"Hey Peeta, thanks for coming over." Finnick says.

"No problem. I knew it was going to be epic." Peeta replies. I can hear a hint of sarcasm in his voice but I don't think Finnick can tell.

"HELL YEAH! That's what I am talking about. Any Odair party is epic." Finnick replies hyped. I roll my eyes. Oh Finnick.

I wave towards Glimmer. "Hey Glimm, how was your shopping spree?" "Horrible. Such a nightmare." Marvel mutters. I laugh and Glimmer shoots him a glare. I slap Marvel on the head and give Finnick a fist bump. "Hey dipshit. Thanks for inviting us over." I say sitting down on the couch next to Peeta.

"No problem, kitty kat you know I love being graced by your presence." He replies.

"Ha, Ha. Very funny Odair." I say sarcastically.

We continue having small talk. Glimmer and Annie talking about fashion. Marvel is sitting on his phone leaving a comment here and there. Whilst, Peeta and Finnick talk about football. We all get interrupted by a loud banging at the door.

"UGHHHH! I don't wanna get up!" Finnick whines. 

"Just go get it." I say

"YOU go get it." He replies.


"You know what it doesn't matter," Finnick mutters clearly defeated. "IF YOU ARE A MURDER STAY OUT. IF NOT COME IN." He shouts. 

We get no response then suddenly Johanna walks in. "I didn't know if that meant I had to stay out or not. But here I am." She says falling onto the sofa. "Where is Cato and Clove? Aren't they supposed to be here?" 

Now that I think of it everyone is here expect them. "Umm I don't know. They might be running late." I say

"ORRRR, they might be MAKING OUT. In Cato's car. Outside of Finnick's house." Jo says with a proud smirk on her face. 

"That doesn't completely sound like a lie. Anyone can see that they like each other." I say. But it is true. Since the first day of school Clove hasn't stopped talking about Cato. And according to Finnick, Cato hasn't stopped talking about Clove.

I am snapped back into reality when Jo stands up and starts heading towards the door. "COME ON BRAINLESS! HURRY UP!" she shouts. "WHAT! Where are we going?!" I shout back. "Don't you wanna know what those two are doing?" She says. Even though I can't see her face right now, I can vividly picture the smirk plastered on her face. 

I smile evilly and we get into her red Jeep. As soon as we get in I can't stop myself from laughing. "We are crazy, scary and pretty bitchy people Jo." I say still laughing. She joins in with the laughter, "That brainless is one of the only things I can agree with you on." 

"So, how are we gonna find them?" I ask Jo. She just gives a mischievous grin and holds up her laptop "Using this." "What is this a spy movie?" I ask laughing. "Oh would you just shut up. You do want to find them right?" She asks. I nod. "Then I will just track Cato's phone and we can find where they are at. Simple." Jo says. "And what if they are driving around?" I ask. 

"Then be prepared for a very cool car chase." She says sliding her glasses down.  


Word Count: 1018

SLEEPOVER!! I may or may not add some everlark >:)

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Please feel free to comment any feedback or suggestions. Have an awesome day you awesome person. i love you all.

And may the odds be ever in your favor.

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