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"Hey Lou, get up baby girl," Harry had been watching him for about an hour, those cute little ears and his face was just too much to leave behind. Harry placed a small kiss on his lips, one of the firsts, he had remembered. Soon enough, Louis was rolling over, smile on his face because he was getting things he didn't deserve.

"That's it," Harry continued , pushing the boy on, like how you would do in a race. "I'm sorry I had to wake you, baby girl. I didn't know how long you were going to sleep."

"Mm" Louis just hummed, "What time is it?"

"Twelve thirty."

"Mm" he said again, this time eyes opening and Harry chuckled.

"Good, now why don't you get up and dress yourself. We can meet back down stairs to finish going over the rules in um," Harry took time to get his mind organized, "Twenty minutes."

"M'kay Daddy."

And with that, Harry was out of the room and down the hallway, which left Louis alone to get ready.
Soon enough, Louis was out of bed looking at the options of clothing.

"Um.." Louis spoke to himself again, deciding to stay in the panties he was in, feeling so, so, soft.

"Louis!" Harry's voice was loud enough for Louis to think he was the room.

"Coming Daddy!" Louis was fast to get down the stairs tumbling over a few.

"Daddy?" Louis asked, unsure of where his master had gone. He repeated himself, this time a bit louder, "Hey Daddy!"

"Yes, baby girl?" His master's voice seemed to echo off of the walls of the gigantic house. Louis followed the voice into a hall, still getting lost in the house even after the tour. 

"Daddy?" He asked, once again, waiting for the response to lead him to his destination.

"In here, baby," The voice lead him into a room he had not yet seen. An office, he was pretty sure, huge though - made for 15 or so people.

"Hi Daddy," Louis said. Harry was sitting in a chair at a desk, of course, computer in hands, staring at it like there was something seriously confusing on the screen, but it was just words.

"Hi baby, I have some work to do right now, it'll only take a few minutes, though," He waited a minute, still focused on his work, "after, we can go over the rules. But for now, you can just sit there," He waved his head at a chair over in the corner. It was black wood, with straps near the ends of the arms, and near the legs and a dildo in the middle of the seat, taped or glued down so it could not move.

"I'm okay," Louis said, choosing his words carefully. He could hear the smirk in Harry's words.

"Fine, but I'll get you in there someday, just wait."

Louis' ears then burrowed into his hair, his tail falling to the back of his knees.

"If you're a bad girl," Harry added, the smirk still there.

"I'm not a bad girl, daddy. I'm a good girl, I am," Louis' ears perked up a bit. Harry then turned in his chair and sighed.

"Eh," He said, simply, making sure to catch his baby's expression. Louis immediately went into a horrible panic.

"Daddy, oh gosh daddy, I'm so sorry, please I-" Louis fell to the floor and started to cry. Harry got up out of his chair to watch him. "Oh, Daddy please, what did I do?" He cried out, tail spread out on the floor, his almost-grown-back ears laying flat against his head.

"Well, you didn't get dressed when I asked you to," He said, seeing that the boy had disobeyed him.

"I'm sorry Daddy," the hybrid said, trying to wipe his tears, "I'll go change." Louis got up and was almost at the door, when he felt a sharp smack on his bum, making him release a loud cry.

"Rule number one," Harry spoke, "You do nothing until I say."

"Yes, Daddy."

By now, Harry had him pinned to the wall, making sure to keep his grip tight.

"Two," He continued, letting go, and walking towards the wall before turning around again, knowing that Louis wouldn't dare to move, "You don't interrupt. Ever. That shows bad behavior and will not be tolerated for a minute, especially when we have company. You will get very harsh punishments for that."

Louis just nodded.

"Three," Harry now had turned, walking towards Louis again, "We don't run. Things are too expensive to be ruined. Four, though this is your house now, there are some rooms you are forbidden from. If you find them, you'll know. They'll be one of the ones that I haven't shown you."

Louis studied Harry hard, Harry did the same. "Five, I expect an answer every single time I say something directed to you. Also, I do not take swearing ever. It is just plain disrespectful."

"Yes Daddy," Louis said, taking what Harry had said to mind.

Harry smiled, "Good."

"Thank you," Louis said, barely whispering.

"And last, I expect a thank you after every punishment," Harry stopped, looking Louis up and down, admiring the boy.

"Okay Daddy," Louis looked down towards his feet.

"You can go change now, if that's what you wanted," Harry's eyebrow lifted, a concerned look directed at the boy.

Louis' eyes looked up at Harry, and his ears perked up as he thought of something to say against him, wanting to stay in the soft panties only, but was not up to fighting so he just stood up, and started to the door that would lead him into that gigantic hall. Soon enough, not too long after he stood, there was a very hard smack against his thigh, which forced the bit to jump back with a hiss, two almost-fangs popping out at Harry.

"Excuse me?!" Harry's eyes widened, "What did I just say to you?" He quickly flipped Louis over, harshly pinning him against the wall. "What. Did I just. Say to you?" His voice became full of anger and hatred very quickly, making Louis' eyes water, very scared, it being the first time he'd seen Harry like this.

"Y-you told me t-to respond," Louis tried to look away, but his face was forced in Harry's direction.

"And what the hell do you think you just did?" Louis could feel Harry's breath on his lips, and had a few tears already rushing down his face.

"I-i-i didn't respond," Louis' tears became hot, coming faster, "I'm sorry, I am, bu-"

"Shut up," He growled at the boy, who by now, is taking everything he's got not to sob. "Go to my room and strip," He said before cutting eye contact with the boy. He was glad he did because watching him cry just wasn't what he wanted to see. Louis quickly slid out of the room and into the hall, Harry hearing quiet but fast little footsteps against the wood floor.

I feel Harry was a bit too mean in this, but I think I just want to kind of try to set the character

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