Truth & Danger

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The light shined through my curtains. I sat up, stretching. I chose to wear a lilac sweater top and flower print jeans. My knee-high converses or my black Adidas? I ponder for a moment and decide on the Adidas.

"Kairie! Are you almost ready, sweetie?" Mama calls from downstairs.

"Yes, Mama!" I call back, grabbing my bookbag. I take one last look in the mirror. My hair still a tousled mess. I groan. Rushing to the bathroom, I brush my teeth and straighten my hair. I push back a headband and make my way downstairs.

"No make-up today?" Mama arches an eyebrow.

"No. Not feeling it today, Mama." I reply, glumly and sat at the table in front of my eggs and toast. I grimace at the bacon smile and grab a piece of toast, heading to the door. When I open the door, I froze. A tall dark, man stood there, staring down at me.

"M-m-mama?" I stuttered, backing away. I bump into her and she puts her arms around me.

"She's not ready. She's just a girl!" she shouts at him. The man steps in, black vapor and smoke swirling around him.

"She must come. He has permitted it. I must obey." He hissed. I start feeling something pull me towards him.

"Then I must come to!" Mama grumbled. She snapped her fingers and there was a loud crack. I hid my face in her tummy.

"It's okay, baby." she whispered, encouraging me to turn around. We were no longer in our tiny house. It was a large stonewall room. A castle? A large golden throne sat ahead of us. A man lounging in it, startled me. He chuckled.

"Have no fear, my dear, sweet Kairie." He grinned, creeply at me and in a blink his eyes were boring directly into mine. His eyes looked like mine. Violet-blue with flecks of gold. He stood straight.

"She is thirteen now?" He asked Mama, still staring at me.

"Yes, my lord." She says in a tense voice. My lord? I look up at Mama. She has a tense, anxious, and scared look on her face.

"She is ready to come home. Why raise her in that filthy mundane village?" He starts to get angry and I cower deeper into Mama.

"To give her a normal childhood. It was milady's last wish." Mama said in a soft voice.

"Wait."He looked me up and down.


"I was waiting for the right time. She seems so happy."Mama's voice broke. The man growled and his body shivered, trembled with deep anger.

"SHE IS MY DAUGHTER! NOT YOURS!" He shouted, his voice full of black hatred. I whimpered, falling to the floor. His eyes that had clouded over looked down at me and he calmed himself.

"I'm sorry, my love." He whispered, extending a hand to me. I hesitated and took his hand. An electric current shocked through me. A fuzzy, hazy image appeared before me. A woman with ice blue eyes and long dark hair was holding me. The man was beside her smiling at me.

"Kairie..." He whispered. The woman started to wobble and the man caught us, shouting something I could not hear.

 The woman started to wobble and the man caught us, shouting something I could not hear

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I jolted back from the man. He stared at me sad and concerned.

"Kairie?" he whispered. Tears welled up in my eyes.

"" I could hear my voice break and tears welled up in his eyes as well.

"She...she was murdered..."He knelt to the ground in front of me. I wrapped my arms around him, shakily. We held each other for a long moment. Then I remembered the lady I called Mama. I pulled away to find her. She was giggling and holding a silver dagger behind the man who is my father.

"No!" I shouted, holding my hand out. An invisible barrier pushed her away, sliding her across the floor. Father stood and spun around to her.

"It was you! She trusted you! I trusted you!" He shouted. The woman's giggling turned into demonic cackling. Her figure faded into violet smoke.

"Fool! I would not trust many of your staff and guards! She is coming! And she want's her niece's power!" The voice boomed out and disappeared into nothing.

"Zykira..." Father grumbled.

"Um...f..father?" I manage to say. He turned, slowly. I was still on the floor, staring at my hands.

"Oh. You're right. I haven't had a chance to explain. Well then, let's get to your room and I will tell you everything."


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