Sun Dragon King

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A soft knock startled me as I stare out the window. 

"Milady? Your father wishes you to the war room." I hear Ithil say, through the closed door.

"Yes! Tell him that I am coming!" I call back and I hear his footsteps as they fade way. I sigh and grab my satchel. A few changes of clothes, my spellbook, and my journal. Hoping Father has a map I can look at. Probably why he wants me in the war room. 

Making my way to the war room, thoughts of the unknown land that awaits me swirl in my mind. What creatures lie there? , I wonder. The guards outside the war room open the big heavy doors for me and I see Ithil, Father, Torston, and Father's council there. The council is mainly his elderly advisors. They rarely advise Father because Father is a very wise king and knows what he wants and needs to do. Most of the time. 

"Ah, Kairie! Please sit." Father grins. I noticed his eyes lighten up everytime he sees me. I fear that he will have very grave days ahead while I am gone. I take my place next to him at the round table. A huge table with the map of world. Our kingdom in the center. Father says that it is actually just a map of us and the surrounding lands. I take my journal out, sketching it. 

Father and the high council discuss the journey and I listen as much as I can. There is a pause and I stop sketching. I look up and they are all staring at me.

"Sorry, I zoned out." I blush, profusely. Father chuckles.

"Kairie, when the sun is high. We will have a Sun ceremony for you. It is rare. But since you have a Moon Phoenix, we must know what you can shapeshift into during the day." Father tells me. I shake my head and blink.

"What? Mother says I am a Moon Phoenix. So, how would I have another ability?" I ask, confused. Father's eyes grow wide.

""He trailed off. The light in his eyes growing sad.

"Yes, Father. She says that the moon forbids her to come back. She only had the one chance. I'm hoping there is more answers at the moon nexus." I say and I stand, embracing him. He sighs, the light coming back to his eyes.

"Well, you may see Grandfather with the sun ceremony...He was always called the Sun Dragon King." He says, randomly.

"Father? Has anyone ever been to this magical land?" I ask, changing the subject. Ithil clears his throat.

"I have yes. Long ago, before you were born." He tells us. I look at him and he removes High Mage hat. I stare at him and gasp. His ears....they are pointy.

"You're..."I trail off, unsure of what type he is.

"I am a Moonstar elf, yes. I came to this land and your father granted me sanctuary. I am the last of my kind. The Darkshadow elves destroyed my home and all of my people." His eyes look far away and sad. 

"Ithil. Is Zykira...?" I look for the right words but her very name made my tongue tingle and my stomach queasy.

"She is the queen of the Darkshadow elves. But she was born from the shadow of the moon. She is like the opposite of your mother. You must be wary, milady. She is your mother's twin." I am taken aback. If I see her, she may trick me. I slam my fist on the table.

"That's it! If we destroy Zykira, the moon may let Mother come home!" I say. The high council and everyone gasp. There is whispering among them. 

" can you be sure? She told you the moon gave chance...."Father says, solemnly.

"I feel it. I am part of the moon. I know I am." The light from the windows start to get a bit brighter. 

"Ah, your majesty. The sun is getting higher. We must prepare." Ithil says. 

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