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Years passed and I became of age. The age where I get my shapeshift ability.

The way Father explained to my 13 year old self, all those years ago, is that Mother was a white witch and he is a shapeshifter. He has the rare ability of having two different forms. Wolf and dragon. His wolf is a huge black wolf that he uses for war combat. His dragon rarely comes out. Grandfather had the dragon ability and Grandmother, the wolf ability, so Father was gifted with both.

Mother was a very powerful white witch. Father was stunned by her beauty. He doesn't like to talk about her much, since it is so painful. Her name was Aurora and they were soulmates. She was born of the light of the moon. The elders explained that she came to earth because she was fated to be with Father and have me, a shapeshifter-white witch hybrid. The most powerful of them all. My mother's sister, Zykira, was born of the shadows of the moon. She wants my power all to herself.

Tonight is the Moon ceremony. The light of the moon will awaken my shapeshifter ability. Father believes I will be a wolf because dragon ability is dying. All dragon shapeshifters have either died or lost their power. Something is telling me otherwise. A knock on my door startles me.

"Kairie?" Father comes in as I continue to look out the window.

"Yes, father?" I answer, quietly.

"Come. Meet me in the courtyard." he says.

"Yes, father." I answer in the same tone. I sigh and follow him to the courtyard. The sun beating soft morning rays into the ground. A slight breeze in the wind.

"Father, may ask what are we doing?"

"Showing you my forms. Though, I am not sure if my dragon will come out." he says.

"But, you said it is too dangerous!" I am taken aback. He chuckles.

"Oh. I cleared it with High Mage Ithil. He tells me that you have master all of his spells. I may have to make you High Mage." He grins, jokingly. He stands straight, and puts his hands together, closing his eyes. A low, deep growl emits from deep inside him a black vapor swirling around him. As it clears, a very large black wolf with gold eyes stands there. I stand there amazed, but then feel no connection. The same vapor swirls around him and he returns to his human form.

"I couldn't mind connect to you." his eyes wide. I mirror the same surprised look as him.

"What about your dragon?" He slumps his shoulders as I ask.

"I couldn't. I haven't been able to since your mother..."He trails off, wincing, holding his heart. I rush to him, embracing him. Giving him my light to heal his heart. Ease the pain at least.

"Thank you, daughter." he embraces me back.

"My lord! More of her creatures were spotted by the lake!" One of the guards come rushing in.

"Yes, on my way. I will be back, daughter. Please go get something to eat. You haven't eaten for two days."

"But, I want to come with you!" I reply and he shakes his head.

"Not until you have unlocked your full power. " He then changes back to his wolf and hops the stonewall. I sigh, watching him go.

I pace in my room, the light of the sun getting lower and lower

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I pace in my room, the light of the sun getting lower and lower. Where is he? Father had not returned yet.

"My lady! You must come quickly! It is his majesty!" Ithil bursts into my room, startling me. I follow him to the hospital ward. I froze mid-step as Ithil opened the big heavy doors. Father lay in the uncomfortable bed, wounded and asleep.

"Father!" I rush to him, inspecting the wound.

"Ithil, why is it that color?" The wound has blackish purple smoke emitting from it.

"It is contaminated by dark magic." I stare at him as he is flicking through his book of spells. Ithil groans in frustration, throwing his book across the room.

"There is nothing in the book to heal him!" He yelled.

I look towards my father, tears welling up in my eyes.

My child do not be so sad. He will be all right. You must attend your Moon Ceremony and then when  you achieve your full only you...can heal him, a voice whispered into my mind.

"High Mage, he will be all right. Come. The moon is almost upon us. I must attend my Moon Ceremony." I say. Ithil looks at me, baffled, but does not argue.

I return to my room to prepare. The dress I am given is long, flowy and white with pink roses embroidering the waist and neckline. I smile because it is so beautiful. I am not given any shoes, so I assume to go barefoot. The first chime lets me know that the moon is almost high. I sigh for Father is going to miss this, but I make my way down to the ceremony.

The courtyard is decorated with white and pink roses all around. A white long runner going up to the pedestal where Ithil stood, I follow the path to him, hearing the gasps and awes from the nobles and villagers. The moon was making my dress glow a soft white. This all seemed like a dream.

"Please kneel before the moon, milady." Ithil whispers to me. I do as he says as he welcomes everyone. The final chime and the moons soft rays envelope me. Power surges through my veins and soul.

The courtyard disappears and I kneel before a woman with dark hair and icy-blue eyes

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The courtyard disappears and I kneel before a woman with dark hair and icy-blue eyes. I gasp with realization.


"Yes, it is I, my child." She strokes my cheek, wiping tears away.

"But..." she puts a finger to my lips.

"When I was murdered, my soul returned to the moon. The moon only let me go to earth once. I am forbidden to return." She says sadly.

"Why could I not connect with Father's wolf?" I ask.

"You do not have the Wolf. My child. You are the rarest of them all. Something that has not been around for thousands of years." She smiles at me and I stare, puzzled.

" the Moon Phoenix."


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Zayethra Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now