Moon Path

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The flight to the Moon Path was far from Father's kingdom. I hurt him badly. I could not bear to look back, for his face was in my head. His face...full of pain and betrayal.

"He will forgive you, milady. You are his daughter." Torston says, softly. I shake my head and look towards the sky, the sun is setting. My dragon starts gliding down. 

"Uh, milady? What is happening?" Torston sounded fearful. I grunt with effort to fly higher. 

"Seems that my sun powers are dwindling. The sun is setting. We must land." We glide down and I see the dark path ahead. Not lit up yet by the moon. The forest on either side of it filled with purplish, black smoke. I land at the edge of the path. Torston hops off and I fade back to my human form. 


"Oh please. Call me Leif." He says as a big brown with black patches, furry bear comes out of the shadows. 

"Oh." I giggle. 

"What?" He huffs.

"Your bear is so cute." I keep giggling. His bear stands on its hinds legs, and roars at me. I stop giggling and look up at the bear.

"Don't call me cute." Leif snorts. 

"Okay, okay. Mighty warrior bear." I roll my eyes as he grunts in affirmation. The moon brightens it light along the path. And the Moon Path twinkles with small firelights. I feel my Moon Phoenix coming out and I shapeshift. I land on my talons and turn toward Leif, reciting the spell to let him communicate as well. 

"On we go." I say. He nods, waiting for me to lead. Behind him, I see a cloud of purple smoke. 

"Oh, no! Get on the path!" I screeched at him. Leif whimpered in shock and rushed to the path with me. We both turned, seeing the cloud stopped by a white barrier. We sigh a relief, but realize how it will be on the other side. I think for a moment.

"Um, Leif? I think we should go to the end of the path and camp there. And when the sun is up we fly, okay?" He nods, grunting in agreement. I fly beside him as he runs, making our way to the end of the Moon Path. I land on my talons, as we slow to a walk. 

"So, are you the only bear shifter?" I ask him, trying to make conversation.

"Um, no. My whole family is. But, my mother says that my father, before he passed away, was the biggest of us all. Now, I am the biggest. My little sister, Eowyn, hasn't gotten her ability yet. She will soon. We aren't sure about her being a bear. She is too gentle. My father once told me that my mother had a cousin who was a rabbit for being so gentle. We will have to see when her Moon Ceremony comes." He replies, an uncertainty in his voice. 

"Bears are under the moon?" I ask, confused.

"Um, depends on the animal. If she doesn't shift on the day of her Moon Ceremony then the next day will be her Sun Ceremony. It depends on the animal. Bears are born under the moon because most predators are. Except dragons. Dragons are born under the sun because they are king under the sun. It is unheard of a Moon Dragon. From what I've seen, Moon Phoenixes must be king under the moon." He stops as he says this, and I realize we reached the end of the Moon Path. 

"I will take the first watch, okay?" He says. 

"Um, shouldn't I take the first watch? I am the Moon Phoenix." I laugh  a little. He ponders for a moment and grumbles, laying down. I sigh, quietly watch past the Moon Path. The darkness and moon glow of the valley make it hard to see. What is out there in that vast, unknown land. I should have asked Elanor or Ithil more about their homelands. But, there was no time. I focus on trying to mind connect with Father. Meditating, but staying alert. 

Zayethra Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now