Tale of Long Ago

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Nightfall came quickly. I felt a nudge, startle me awake.

Kairie, the voice whispered. The voice was soft, velvet like. I felt a strong feeling with this voice. I open my eyes. The once tiny dragon was no longer tiny, but a bit bigger. Like he is no longer a baby.

"Oh wow. He must be growing faster since you are the Moon Phoenix." I hear Faunalyn say behind me.

Ryuu...I sit up, amazed by how much he has grown in one day.

Oh, I have longed to talk to you. My eyes grow wide as I stare into those ice blue eyes. It was like an electric current, growing stronger by the minute.

"Kairie?" Ryuu growls at the sound of Leif's voice. Leif steps back, startled.

"I'm...I'm alright, Leif. Let's shift." I say, not taking my eyes off Ryuu. I shift into my Moon Phoenix and Leif into his bear. Faunalyn gasps and bows to me.

"The stories are true." she whispers.

Lead the way, Faunalyn. I say to her.

"Oh!" She says and starts walking, we follow. I could feel Ryuu's stare, boring into my soul.

We came upon a small village. Faunalyn walks up to a house surrounded by water.

"Wait here, please. And be quiet. My Terra elves are all asleep so you mustn't wake them." She walks across a small bridge to the door of the house. I realize there is soft candlelight on inside. Faunalyn knocks on the door and there was a brief moment. The door opens to a male elf with long glowing blue hair. I assume that's Darfin. Another female elf with no hair but silver glowing symbols on her face appeared beside him, Amara. Soft whispering amongst them and they see us. They then shut the door and Faunalyn comes back. Leif and I shift back into our human forms.

"They said meet them at their temple. Come on. Follow me." We follow her to a temple, glowing with silver and blue symbols. Inside was huge, glowing on the walls were more of those symbols.

"Protection wards. Just in case, the Dark Queen tries to venture forth this way." The one called Amara says. She looks towards Ryuu in amazement.

"Interesting. My people said that this would happen one day. The first Moon Dragon. Just....amazing." Her eyes twinkled. Ryuu huffed, inching closer to me. Darfin gasped.

"No way." He looks between us, like he was searching our souls.

Um...what? I tense up, confused. Unable to speak to the Aqua elf.

"You don't know? You two were destined to be together. We Aqua elves seem to have connections in seeing soulmates. Amara is my soulmate." I felt a pressure and I fell to the ground, in shock. Soulmate? Me? With the rarest dragon of all?

"Oh. Faunalyn it seems your soulmate is here as well." Darfin chuckled, gesturing towards Leif.

"What?" Faunalyn says, blushing and looks at Leif. Leif groans, looking away, blushing profusely.

"Darfin. This is too much. They didn't come here to ask who their soulmates are. They came looking for the Moon Nexus."

"Sorry, love."

I look into Ryuu's ice blue eyes and they bore into mine.

"Kairie?" Leif says, breaking my focus. Ryuu growls again.

"Oh, hush, dragon. I don't want your girl. She is the princess of my king. And my friend." Leif says, in almost a growl, ready to turn back into his bear.

"Everyone please calm down." Amara says and a force of wind pushes everyone back a little. We look towards her amazed and waiting.

"Okay. So, we can help you. But we must hurry before the next full moon gets here which is in 4 days. Me and Darfin will give you this little wisp that will guide you. We mustn't speak aloud where it is. Because wind travels and it could get back to the Dark Queen. I sense that she has been trying to track you, princess." Amara explains and I tense even more.

Zayethra Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now