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I awoke feeling change in my body. I stare out at the villagers and nobles, and they are cowering. Fear of which they do not know. 

"Milady." Ithil whispers beside me. I face him and he is in shock, amazed. 

"Bring her a mirror. Milady must see for her self!" He calls out. A mirror is brought out and I see the glowing white, feathered creature that I am now. My eyes glowing ice blue, not the usual blue-violet with gold specks. I am amazed at my reflection. Mother said it is the rarest of all. No Moon Phoenixes have been born for thousands of years. I close my eyes, whispering a spell to let me speak. 

"High Mage." I say.

"Oh, milady. How...?" He trails off.

"Nevermind that now. Bring me, my father so that I may heal him." My form was a huge form. Talons that could rest on the stone floor. I seem to be as big as a dragon. I fold my wings to my sides, waiting for my father to be brought out. I gasp as he is brought out, his life force...I see it...and it is barely there....I stand screeching, everyone cowers. I feel my powers rise and my wings lift me off the ground. I let my power flow to Father, healing him. A bright, white light flashes before us all. I screech softly, falling to the ground. 

When I awoke again, the morning light streamed through my room

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When I awoke again, the morning light streamed through my room. I am back in my human form. I look over to see Father in a chair at my bedside. 

"Oh, Kairie." He sighed, relieved. He took my hand, kissing the back of it. 

"Father. Did you see...?"I trail off, my voice hoarse. He handed me a glass of water and I took it, graciously. 

"Yes...and...my Gods...I could not believe it. My father only told me about it in stories. My daughter! A Moon Phoenix! My Gods!" He smiles at me, tearfully.

"Stories? Are there books on it?" I ask, setting my glass down.

"Yes...except..."He trails off, looking melancholic. 


"They are hidden. A moon nexus that we can not find anywhere. We believe it is somewhere in a distant land where all magical creatures dwell." He does not look for certain.

"We have to find it!" I say, hopping up out of bed.

"What? And I abandon my kingdom?" He looks at me, outraged.

"Of course not. I will go." I grin.

"Absolutely not!" He shouts, baffled.

"Fine. Someone can come with me. What about....hmm.." I trail off, stumped.

"Lieutenant Lief Torston will be taking you." Father goes towards the door.

"Who?" I say as he opens the door. A young man in shiny ivory armour stood there.

"Milady. I am Lieutanent Torston at your service." He bows a low bow. I feel my face getting a little hot. I spin around facing the window, my nightgown still on.

"Father! I am not dressed yet!" I hiss and hear the door shut, my father laughing behind the door.

"Sorry, dear!" he shouts through the door and I hear them walk away. I sigh and begin packing for my journey.

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Zayethra Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now