The First Dragon Born Under the Moon

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The roars in agony from King Bomris could be heard throughout Ember Vale.

Bomris, dear. Please calm yourself. You will scare him, I hear the hushed tone of Lumi.

But, Lumi! He is born under the moon. The council of Elders will not like this! King Iefyr! I could hear his talons clack as he must be pacing back and forth.

Everything will be alright, dear. Please let me speak with the moon phoenix. The pacing stopped and Bomris came walking out and plopped down on his rock, gesturing me to go. I turn to Leif, who was already in his bear form, he nodded to me, sitting down. I make my way to the room where Lumi lies. She sees me, bowing instantly. Her color is a soft, snowy white and her eyes an ice blue. Her tail wrapped around something, protecting it.

Great Moon Phoenix. You must take him. Take my Ryuu to the Nexus. He cannot grow here. The Elders and King Iefyr mustn't know about him yet.

She slides her tail towards me. Revealing a tiny, sleeping, iridescent white dragon. My eyes grow wide with amazement. The tiny dragon stretches, yawning, and slowly opened ice-blue eyes. They stared straight into my soul.

He...he has your eyes, your majesty. I say, amazed. I hear her chuckle.

Yes. Now, please go. Hurry before they come. They must not know! Go!

I think quickly on how I can transport this tiny dragon. I mutter a spell that put him in a soft, leafy basket, shimmering with some of his mother and father's scales. Ryuu giggles, snuggling into the basket. I take the basket handle in my mouth, rushing back out to Leif.

Leif! Meet me in the location that I mind connect you. I must hurry and get this little guy out of here. See you soon! He nods and trots outside. I'm about to leave when Bomris growls.

You better take good care of my son, Moon Phoenix. I turn towards and nod, making my way out to the location I sent Leif.

 I turn towards and nod, making my way out to the location I sent Leif

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The location was north of Mount Talaroth. Even farther from Zykira and...Father. I could feel the sunrises and making me drift closer to the ground. Ryuu started whimpering. He could feel it too. I scan the ground and find a small cave. I glide towards it and I end up dropping the basket. It tumbled inside the cave. I shifted back to my human form and tumbled inside after it. Ryuu, the poor thing, starts crying. I stood up, dazed, searching for him.

"''s...oh...kay..." I topple back to the floor, passing out.

"Kairie!" I hear a voice say as everything darkens.

When I awoke, it was dark in the cave, but sunlight streamed from the entrance of the cave

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When I awoke, it was dark in the cave, but sunlight streamed from the entrance of the cave. I sat up.


"Shh...he's okay. Just sleeping." I look to see Leif handing me a piece of bread.

"You must eat. That's why you passed out. You haven't eaten anything. For awhile it seems." I take the bread, nibbling at it.

"Actually, last time I was supposed to eat something, Father told me I hadn't eaten anything in two days. That was the day of my...moon ceremony." I froze and his eyes grew wide.

"You haven't eaten anything in 5 days? You could've died. Shapeshifting takes a lot of energy. Especially with your forms. Here eat some of this too." He handed me what looked like a piece of cooked meat.

"It's rabbit. All I could find out here. Little dragon boy seemed to love it. He calmed right down and fell asleep." The smell of the meat made me chow down on it.

"I hope my little sister doesn't turn into a rabbit. Still, I didn't eat any. Just the bread and berries I packed from home. I seemed to forgot to pack the fish. I couldn't find any fish at the stream in the forest. Some hunting bear I came to be. I'm better at tracking. My bear nose is very strong." He chuckles at this. I smile enjoying my meal.

"Did you come across any darkshadow creatures?" I ask him.

"No. I don't think they can travel this far north of Ember Vale. I think the Ember elves prevent them from it. " I hear a basket drop along with fruit. I look towards the entrance of the cave. A green robed figure stands there, looking shaken.

"Hello? It's okay. We are friendly." I say. The figure relaxes, pulling back its hood. Long blonde hair and green eyes.

"Hello. I am Faunalyn, a Terra Elf. Are you humans?" She asks.

"No. We are shapeshifters from Ebbelon. I am Princess Kairie, daughter of King Kai. And this is my lieutenant, Leif Torston." I smile, reassuringly.

"Oh. I see. You must know of the Ember elves then. They are part of our kin. For Terra and Ember hail from the sun along with the dragons. Aeris, Aqua, and Moonstar Evles hail from the Moon. Yet, the Moonstar elves were wiped out. The Aeris and Aqua elves are few and far between. They tend to stay out of sight and tend to their own." She steps back and she sees the slumbering tiny dragon.

"What is that? He is not born of the sun!" Her face full of fear.

"Faunalyn, please. I must take him to the Moon Nexus. Could you help us?" She looks at me, unsure.

"Why? Why must he go to the Nexus?"

"I am the moon phoenix. I was entrusted by Queen Lumi to bring him there. King Bomris requested that I take good care of him. Queen Lumi also said that the dragon elders and King Iefyr mustn't know."

"I see. Then, we must speak with my friends. Amara and Darfin. Amara is an Aeris elf and Darfin is an Aqua elf. They could help us. Let us rest until nightfall. I assume that is when you are the most strongest, little one." She gestures towards Ryuu. I look at Ryuu and feel a strong bond forming. I couldn't grasp what it could be. We shall see after we rest.

 We shall see after we rest

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