A Dragon's Tale

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Welcome to Ember Vale. Danym speaks to me in his native dragon tongue. Leif does not understand him.

"Wow." I hear Leif say. He must've understood where we are.

How many lands are there. I ask Danym. Danym chuckles.

There are many. But the main land is Zayethra. We call your land, Ebbelon. The Dark Queen's land is Nazorath. Danym growls at the name. 

Ebbelon? I believe I haven't been told that is our land. I tell him and he begans to decend and I follow. I see a great mountain and a castle below the mountain. 

That is the castle to the Ember elf king. King Iefyr and his queen, Queen Rania. You may meet them later. We must enter Mount Talaroth and see King Bomris. He will be glad to see his old friend again. Well, sort of. We enter Mount Talaroth through a cave near the top. Two armoured dragons stand just outside. 

Ah, Danym. Who... One starts to say and they both bow.

Easy, Arman. Falkor. This is just the granddaughter of Him. Danym explains to them, yet they stay bowing. Danym shakes his head and we follow him into the cave. No one is in the room. 

Your majesty, are you home? Danym calls out. 

Yes, Danym. One moment. A voice calls from a different room. The black dragon walks out and is stunned by the sight of me. 

Firnen? By the sun, is that you? He says to me. 

No. Who is Firnen? I ask, confused. He laughs, shaking his head.

I see. Firnen was the name of the Sun Dragon King. I assume you are his granddaughter? He only had one son, named Kai. Bomris goes to a great stone in the front of the room and lays on it. 

Oh! I never knew his name. And yes, I am Kairie, daughter of Kai. My grandfather gave me his powers, so that he could be with my grandmother on the moon. I say, shyly and feeling stupid for not knowing my own grandfather's name. Bomris bellows with laughter. 

You may leave Danym. Thank you.

My pleasure, your majesty. Danym leaves the room. 

Firnen was my truest friend. He made me the new king to be with his mate, Luna. Even though, she was a shapeshifter. It was fated to be. Luna did a spell to let him have a human form. But, Firnen was a dragonblood through and through. Do you know what happened to them? 

I have yet to hear the stories. My father doesn't dwell on the past, especially when it concerns Mother.

I see. Well, it was the Dark Queen. But, it was before she became the dark queen. You see, Zykira and Aurora were born from the moon. No one knows what the moon planned. But, there were two daughters, twins. Even though, Aurora was fated to be with Kai and born a white witch. Zykira had fallen in love with him as well. She grew angry and jealous, which caused her to lose the light of the moon and fall into shadow. The moon would not tell her who she is fated to be with. So, she ran to Zayethra into the Moonstar elves' land,  Celestial Forest. She came across a stranger. A hermit of sorts. His name was Onvyr. He once was a Moonstar elf until he came across dark magic. He was wanted by the king of the Moonstar elves, King Ithil.

Ithil! He is our High Mage. I interrupt him.

I see. So that is where he fled to. I'm afraid, he really is the last Moonstar elf. 

I know. He told me. I reply, sadly. I apologize, please, continue.

Well, King Ithil wanted him dead. It is forbidden to dwell in dark magic. He thought that he had destroyed all the dark magic texts. But, somehow a book survived. Onvyr stole it and ran just outside Ithil's kingdom. An invisible charm was around him and he could not be found. Yet, somehow Zykira found him and it was love at first sight. She was so desperate for love that she had forgotten about Kai. Onvyr lied saying he had fallen for her too, but wanted to take her power. He decieved her and made her more powerful and then tried take it. Once Zykira realized what he had planned, she was hurt and devastated that in a dark rage, she murdered him, taking his power. That dark power that flowed through her, twisted her mind, making her go deep into shadow. She went to Ithil, telling him of what she did. Ithil could see that she was more sinister and dark than Onvyr ever was. He tried to destory her, but failed. She took her wrath out on all the Moonstar elves. Devastated by losing his people, he fled through a portal and it took him far away. She still wanted more power. She tried going to Ember Vale, but the Sun forbid her and in her rage, she somehow found Fenrir. He was leaving my coronation, coming home to his wife, Luna. Luna had just given birth to Kai, at the time. Zykira tried to take his power, but when she found out she couldn't take his power, she hit him with dark magic, wounding him. He somehow made it back to Ebbelon, but was very sick. They tried healing him and nothing was working. He was sick for years and when Kai became of age to become king, he died. Luna's heart broke and she died with him. Zykira made her scar of land, Nazorath, with the darkshadow elves she made from the souls of who she took power from and has been at war with them ever since. Still wanting all the power in the world. Bomris finished his story, standing to get a drink from the small pond in the cave. 

Wow. Thank you, your majesty. I am glad to hear the tale. I bow to him. 

Oh, dear child. I assume you came here to ask me of something. Bomris peeked his head in the room of to the side. 

What's in there? I ask, cautiously. Bomris chuckles, happily and goes back to his stone.

Oh, it is my queen, Lumi, and our first egg. The egg should be hatching soon. I stare at the entry way to the room. 

Dear child, what have you come to ask me?

Oh, right. We came looking for the Moon Nexus. I answer, confidently.

Ah, I see. The Celestial Lake. Well, it is hard to say. It travels all over Zayethra. It is never in the same spot and only becomes visible for those in need. Bomris looks to be deep in thought. I sensed something coming and saw a vision of a iridescent white dragon. White like my moon pheonix.

Hmm. I see. May I ask you one more thing, your majesty? 

Yes, dear child.

Has there ever been a Moon Dragon?  Bomris bellows with laughter. 

No. There are no tales of such thing. Dragons are great creatures always born under the sun. His eyes grow wide and he rushes off to the room. 

No! It cannot be! I hear him shout.

Leif could you get down for a second. Leif slides off my back and my body changes into my Moon Phoenix.

I see. That's why he shouted. The moon is out. 

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