Sun Form

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"Hello, Grandfather." I say, bowing my head towards him. He chuckles and I smile. Father and him are so alike.

"You do not have to bow to me! You are my granddaughter. " He bellows. I stand up, taking in his magnificent form.

"Why are the dragon forms disappearing?" I ask, quietly.

"Ah. It is because the dragons have been asleep for so long. Even the Ember elves cannot awaken them. I have been gone for too long it seems. And your Father resonates with his moon form wolf more than his dragon form. Kairie, you have the power to resonate with both. I bestow to you, granddaughter, my powers. So that I may rest with my beloved, Luna, your grandmother. The Moon has granted this to me and to make you the most powerful shapeshifter hybrid the world as ever seen!" He bellows again, a twinkle in his golden eyes.

"So, even if it is day or night, I will be powerful with either form?" I ask.

"Yes and no. Your Moon Phoenix must be taken to the Moon nexus to gain her full power. When you healed your Father it took a lot of power from you. Healing something on the brink of death will drain your power, or your life force of your form." He says, he nudges me with his snout.

"Now, this will not burn. You will just feel the great power of the SUN DRAGON KING!" He roars, breathing his fire upon me, his power.

I open my eyes and see everyone staring at me in shock and awe

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I open my eyes and see everyone staring at me in shock and awe. I use my spell to let me talk.

"Mirror, please." I say. Father had a look on his face of disbelief. Ithil brought a mirror but stood far away because I realize I have crushed the stone floor with my massive feet. I saw my reflection and could not believe my eyes. I was Grandfather's form!

"For a moment, I thought my father came back and you were stolen." Father shakes his head.

"No. He gave me his power so he could be with Grandmother, resting on the Moon." Father chuckles at this and then freezes as his body begins to have reddish smoke swirl around him. A beautiful big red dragon now stands where he stands.

"Milady! This power is awakening the dragons!" General Elanor says, excitedly. With that I tilt my head back and roar. Father does the same.

"I can't believe it. My little girl is growing up too fast." He says, happily.

"I won't take your place, Father. Please don't make me do that." I tell him.

"Oh, great Gods, no, Kairie! You are growing up, but the job of a King is way too much for you. I mean, sometimes it is too much for me!" He laughs, his dragon rumbling with his laughter.

"Come on, daughter. Let's go for quick flight before you go." He says, excitedly. His dragon's wings beginning to flap and copy him, still not sure how to fly.

"Don't worry, milady! It comes as an instinct!" General Elanor shouts. I follow Father up to the sky, feeling the soft breeze in my scales. I could faintly hear the hoorahs and awes from below in the village, like everyone is amazed and grateful the Sun Dragon has returned. Though I noticed that my form is more feminine and I smirked. The colors is what they see. I swoop low to show everyone.

"Look, I am Kairie! My grandfather, the Sun Dragon King, bestowed his powers to me as my Sun form! I am not the King. My father is still the King of this realm!" I shout to the village in the air. My father's red dragon stopping beside me. Everyone bows and I could hear the faint whispers of "yes, milady". Father looks towards the north where Zykira dwells. A strange purple light was coming this way making the Sun hide behind the clouds.

"Kairie, look out." He pushes me out of the way and I see the purple ray hit Father, making him writhe in pain. The screaming coming from his dragon.

"Father! No!" I scream and I breathe my fire onto him, enveloping him with my flames. His screaming ceased and the purple ray stopped. Father changes back to a human form, and I realize he is going to fall. I catch him on my back and fly him back to the courtyard. General Elanor and Ithil laid him down on the stone floor.

"He is going to be alright, milady. That flame is a powerful one." General Elanor expresses. I nod, and then look to the sky. I look towards Torston.

"Hop on, we leave now." I say through a growl.

"Yes, milady." He climbs up on my back, holding on for dear life. I look back to my father.

"I'm sorry, Father. For all this pain." I whisper, sadly. His eyes start to flutter, but I start to rise up and fly towards the sky, above the Kingdom.

"Kairie, no!" I hear my father below yell. But, I began the incantation of a powerful ward around the kingdom. She will not harm this land while I am gone. The bubble starts forming around the kingdom, like a glass dome. I see my father's red dragon coming towards us. The bubble completes and my father is stopped by it. He pounds on the bubble and breathes his flame on it, but the ward cannot be affected. I could see the tears in his eyes. I sigh, sadly, and fly towards the Moon Path.

 I sigh, sadly, and fly towards the Moon Path

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