Jazbaati naatein (I)

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                                                                                            Part -1

                                                                                            Part -1

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"Nothing serious,Mr.Rao.It's clear lack of sleep and dehydration.Just let her rest for sometime,stress has taken a toll on her.She's sleeping as of now and if it is possible I would prefer her body rests for a little longer.Try not to wake her up if you can,I am sure she will be up in a while."

Raghav sighed nodding his eyes still fixed on the fragile body which was lying unconscious on his bed.

"Doctor let me see you off.."He heard Farhaad speak but did not turn to look as the two men walked out of his bedroom.When the room fell silent in their departure,his feet took slow steps to the foot of the bed.

His gut surged with strange emotions as he looked at her form laid on his bed.She looked tired and weak,her face was pale,her eyebrows scrunched close together even in sleep.The paleness of her form was in complete contrast to the sunny yellow saree that covered it.

Slowly picking up the duvet from the bed he covered her uptil her chest, gently tucking the sides around her mindlessly.


Farhaad's voice caused him to stand straight up with a jerk.

Shit! What am I doing?

"Bol!" Raghav quickly moved away from the bed and from her trying to act as casual as possible.

But how does he casually brush off the fact that The Raghav Rao was tending to a random sick girl who had fallen unconscious at his house while arguing with him.The same girl who was hell bent on annoying the life out of him.

"Anna wo... actually..."Farhaad trailed off thoughtfully.

Raghav turned to look at him in question only to find his eyes fixed on Pallavi and a frown on his face. Not liking Farhaad's stare on her,he stepped sidewards successfully breaking Farhaad's gaze.

"What is it?" His voice came out hard."And let's talk outside,she might get up."

Farhaad's eyes snapped up to his boss's face,his face expressing his shock clearly.When had his boss started being this thoughtful or caring? And that too for Pallavi?

"I-I mean if she gets up she'll bring my house down with her shouts if she finds us here.So let's move." Raghav quickly covered up and did not waste another second in exiting the room with a confused Farhaad in tow.

He took quick steps to his den whilst Farhaad tried to catch up with him.

"Anna what I was saying is that I think we should wake her up and let her go home. She was saying that-"

Raghav cut him off stepping around his desk and dropping in the seat."You heard the doctor Farhaad.Mere ko koi shauk nahi wo saree ka dukaan ko aisa yahan rkhne ka.I never called her here.She came on her own here,shouting-blaming and then she went all sleeping beauty on me! I got her checked,am letting her rest so now going home should be her own job."

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