Baat adhoori

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Vijay  looked around the waiting area of Raghav Rao's mansion. An odd feeling of intimidation was slowly enveloping him as he looked at the regal decorations around the place and he did not like it one bit. The life size portrait of the owner of the mansion which was absolutely glaring at him from the left wall was also not of any help.With a rush of intimidation and inferiority complex came a multiplied amount of irritation and disdain for the man he had come to meet so early in morning,the owner of his shop.The very same man who was making him wait now.

"You may sit please. Anna will be here shortly." A voice from behind caused Vijay to turn around.

It was the same man,the one in a black suit,who had allowed the guards at the front gate to let him in.Although Vijay had been seriously agitated by the constant questioning of the handful of security guards,the later politeness of this young man had somehow made him hold onto his temper. The only flaw the boy had was that he was working for a don,Vijay decided.

Nodding a stiff 'no',Vijay tied his hand to his chest,puffing up in arrogance.

"I do not have all that time.Tell your boss to make it fast. Other people also have jobs to get done,he is not the only busybody in the city. But I guess the rich can get away with taking people as well as their time for granted."Vijay shook his head disdainfully not noting the expression of puzzlement on the other man's face.

"Er...That's fine,I guess. But aap kab tak aise khade rahenge? Please take a seat."The young man tried again.

For a moment Vijay considered his request,his mind easing a little at the consoling tone of his voice but the feeling lasted truly just for a single moment for the next moment came a very recognisable voice from the other side of the large hall.

"Cut the courtesy Farhaad. You know who he is then how did you expect him to be any less stubborn than her."

Vijay's head snapped to the right,eyes instantly narrowing onto the bare-chested man who strode into the large hall. His ebony hair glistening on his forehead from being freshly showered and a cup of steaming beverage held in one hand,which was oddly covered in a white bandage,while his other hand held up his phone to his face which was lowered to look into the screen.Raghav Rao walked in and without a single glance at his guest plopped onto a sofa, leisurely folding his one leg to rest on the other, his eyes still very much fixed on his phone.

"Anna..." Farhaad stepped forward wanting to break the awkward silence which had taken over with Raghav's ignorance and Vijay's silent fuming."This is Mr. Vijay Deshmukh. He is—"

"Father of saree ka dukaan." Raghav completed the introduction tossing his phone aside after locking it and finally, finally, turning his attention to Vijay who was plainly glaring at him and his apparent lack of manners."Tell me,what brought you here Mr. Deshmukh?"

Silently fuming,Vijay stood fixated in the same proud posture as the object of his hatred looked him up and down with a passive expression. Such lack of manners,such disregard of respect,such casualness—everything about Raghav Rao sitting in front of him half-naked and looking at him arrogantly irked Vijay to no ends. If this good for nothing rich man thought he could get away with being a brat to him,he was wrong. Vijay did not take pride in raising two boys or heading a joint family of eight for nothing. He firmly believed himself to be an excellent disciplinarian.And Raghav Rao is now going to have a taste of it.

And hence, without any preamble Vijay asked the one question which had been consuming him every waking minute.

"What are you trying to do with my daughter?"


Raghav raised an arrogant brow at the direct question the short,bespectacled man standing before threw at him. He shifted his gaze slightly to give an incredulous look to Farhaad who was already looking at him apologetically.

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