Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:Aidens POV

(TW slight mention of eating disorder. If you are not comfortable with it, skip to Ivys POV in that chapter)

The rest of our way was silent. Ivy was staying pulled into my side but she was silent.

We arrived at the café not 5 minutes after we left the train. 

"It looks nice!", was the first thing she said. 

"Yeah it does!" "How have you found it?" "Well it was raining and my friends and me needed somewhere to go. That's how we found it. That was about 2 months ago." 

We went to a table in the corner and took a seat. We both ordered a burger, but Ivy was not sure if that burger was too much.

"Not hungry?" 

"Don't need much.", she looked down at her hands in her lap and fiddled with her hands.                I stopped it with my hand. I took her hand in mine and pulled it onto my lap, "Whats wrong? I know youre parents have something to do with it!" 

"They divorced..." 

"What?"                                                                                                                                                                             "And my dad is getting married again, and he wants me there, but I don't want to, I mean, I havent even met that women and he expects me to be there I mean noo, I don't want to but I feel bad and hes my dad and stuff but hes not allowed to put me under that much of pressure!", she started rambling and eventually started to cry. 

I put my empty hand on her cheek and turned her head towards me. 

"Ivy. Breath, alright! Everything is going to be alright okay?" Her eyes averted mine.                            "Ivy! Look at me!" Tears streamed down her face. 

"Its going to be okay alright?" She didn't looked that convinced.

 "Ivy, I want that you breath okay? Believe me, Its going to be alright!" 

She nodded her head but started to cry again. To cover herself she hugged me close and put her head into my neck. I tried to hold her close by her head.

 "Is it okay to hug you?" 

Exhausted she nodded. My arm draped around her back and landed on her rips. 

I could feel everything. Every dip her curves made even her rips.

She fell silent in my neck and as I looked down I realized her eyes were close. 

"Ivy?",I whispered. "mhm..."

 "Our food is coming soon, why don't you go into the bathroom, clean up and stuff and when you come back we don't talk about it again?" 

"Okay...", she sniffled and pulled herself from my neck. 

"Ivy", her eyes met mine. 

"Its going to be okay." She nodded and I pulled her in and kissed her cheek. 

"Hurry up pretty girl!"

As Ivy came back five minutes later our food has already arrived.

 "Yummy!", she ruubed both of her hands, "That's looks delicious!"

 "Well yeah it is so hurry before it gets cold!" 

We ate in complete silence, both in our food dreams, I suppose. That was until Ivy looked at me and started laughing. 

"What?", I asked, my mouth full of Burger. Throughout her laugher she tried to tell me something because she pointed to her mouth.

 "Ivy swallow your food and tell me what is going on?" 

Instead of doing that she just took her hand and placed it at my jaw, With her thumb she wiped under my mouth and after she took her hand away I could see that her thumb was covered in sauce, which was previously at my chin.

 "Thanks!" She took her thumb into her moth and started sucking and god, that turned me on. After we finished eating she took her phone from her bag.

 "What have you planned for the rest of the day?", she asked my with a smile on her face.        "Well I take you back to the campus and then I want to go shopping, why'd you ask?" 

"Honestly, I don't want to spend the rest of my day in a room with people I don't know! I rather want to get you know better." 

"So you are tagging along?" "If you don't mind?"

 "Never!", I smirked at her.

Ivys POV

Turned out we both hadn't thought about the same shopping.... Because I was thinking about getting new clothes etc, well he thought about technical stuff. 

So we went into an apple store. 

"What are you looking for?" 

"The birthday of one of my roommates is coming up!"  "What kind of roommate is that? Are you his sugar daddy?" 

"No but if you want to I can be yours!" The way he grinned while turning around confirmed my red cheeks. 

"No seriously Aiden, what are we looking for?" 

"His macbook broke down a while ago, since then he is borrowing ours so we are getting him one." "

Can I meet that friend of yours?" 

"Why? Am I not enough?", he asked pouting. 

"I am just curious what kind of friend a police officer has!", he chuckled besie me and it made my heart swell.

While he was looking around I kind off felt lost, so I decided to look around too. I stopped in front of the phones, frowning I pulled my phone from my pocket. 

Looking at the broken screen I was deciding, what to do? Whether get a new phone or cutting my thump on my screen? 

"What are you thinking about, pretty girl?", Aiden pulled me into a hug from behind. 

"I was just looking.." He took my phone from my hands, "How the hell did you broke it that way? Was a tank running over it?" 

"I am always a little late, so it of course falls from my back sometimes...." 

"And you want a new one?", he asked with a raised brow, while taking the newest Iphone. "Yeah?" 

"That one?", he pointed to the one in his hand. 

"it is too expensive...." A voice from across the store called Aiden. 

"Meet me at the exit ok?" "yeah." 

I watched him walk away, and finally started to move to the exit. 

"Have a good day.", I said to an employee. "You too miss!", he kindly responded. 

I only needed to wait for more 5 minutes until Aiden joined me on the railing. I noticed two bags in his hand. 

"What else did you get?" 

"You need to wait, then you eventually find out?" We started walking again, "So what are we doing now?" he asked. 

"I want to see your place!" 

"Yeah okay lets go." He started to lead the way. 

"How long have you know your roomates?", I hugged myself to his arm, and took one bag from that hand. 

"I met some of them throughout the school but we grew up all in the same quarter so we bonded really quickly!"

 "That sounds great!" "They're like my brothers and I love them a lot." 

"Are you getting emotional Aiden?" 

"What no!" As we were standing at a red light he pulled me into a hug.

 "You so are getting emotional!", I laughed into his chest. 

"Shut up!", he kissed my temple.

(I am sorry if it is going to fast in your opinion!)

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