Chapter 1: Ivys Pov

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"How are you doing m y little sunshine?", my best friend amber said as she pulled me into a hug from behind.

 "Ew get away, you touched a dick last night!" I shrieked. 

With a grin she stood beside me still waiting for an answer. "I am kind of doing great.. " 

"Want to share your thoughts?" 

"At first I am disgusted from hearing your moaning every night. I just don't want to. Secondly I have this job interview today and I so badly want this job. Then I have to write an essay till tomorrow and it isn't nearly finished!" 

"Well you don't need a job, you can live with us." 

"That's why I want to have a job. I feel like a burden, I mean I am living in your guest room, which should become your baby room in 7 months soo I eventually need to move out anyway." 

"Well but there is time and no you don't feel like a burden, never say that again!" 

"that's not going to stop me from searching for a flat for my own." 

"Don't stress yourself okay?" "I try okay?" "So you want to show me your outfit for today?"

 "Can I first finish eating my breakfast?" 

"I am going back to bed you just call me alright?"

 "Tell Andrew to stay quiet!" as she laughed she jumped back into their bedroom.

30 minutes later I finally decided which outfit I want to wear.



Not even 10 seconds later she was standing in my doorway. "You look hot!" 

"I don't want look to look hot I want to look serious. This job is important for me!" 

"Why do you want this job so badly?" 

"Its my parents, you know them!" "

Oh yeah I know your so called parents!", she raised her eyebrows at me. "They expect me do to something fashion related!" 

"But you want?"

 "I want to do something like that, but I don't want to write about it, I want to be the one they write about." "Why aren't you doing it?" "They say it isn't a real job!"

 "Of course they do. What is your mother doing again? Living off of your dad? Right that's a real job!" 

"You know them!" 

"Like I said I do. Enough of them! You look really fantastic Iv. I believe in you I hope you know that. I want you to be yourself ok? Don't stress yourself out because of your parents! They haven't even reached out for you since 3 months! Don't think about them think about yourself alright?" 

By the time she was finished she was standing behind me and looking over my shoulder into the mirror I was looking in. "And that's why you are my best friend and always will be!" 

"I hope I am! Get yourself a job BITCH!", as she went out she gave me a clap an the ass. "I love you!"

 After another 15 minutes I was ready for leaving the house. I packed my backpack and headed to the university in the middle of Berlin. Since Amber an me where like 15 we dreamed about moving here. When we went here after we finished highschool(Gymnasium) 1 and a half years ago, Amber met Andrew her now to be Baby Daddy. He was living here, I mean he is 28, and needed someone to live with him so Amber moved here just 6 months after they started dating. I was mad at hell because she left me alone in our little village we grew up in together. But who would've thought that I needed to move here as well only a few months later because I got accepted at the Humboldt university, the best one in Berlin. So I moved in with them.

On my way I grabbed myself a cold coffee, summer in Berlin is really exhausting. From the store I started to walk toward the campus. 

I started to recognize some other students and even my learning buddy Aaron. 

"Aaron hey!" He stopped talking to a girl and turned himself forward. 

"Hey Ivy!" He pulled me into a warm hug. 

"Whats with the fit?" (its the one at the beginning of the chapter)

"Well I think I told you about my job interview?" 

"Yeah you did like a hundred times when we originally planned on learning." 

"shush!", I dramatically pulled my pointer finger in front of my mouth. 

"So that's why you are dressed that way?" "Yup I need to go there directly after uni, so I need to look ready right now!" 

"Well you definitely are!" 

"So who was that girl?" 

"Just someone!" 

"You fancy her right?" 

"I need to get going! We see each other some other time and call me about your job interview alright?" He started walking faster.

 "Aaron! That's so unfair I am wearing heels!" 

"Your fault bye! I love you!" 

"I love you too!", I mumbled under my breath.

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