✦ chapter ten

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every year we get older, and i'm still on your side, baby, i'd give up anything to travel inside your mind, baby, i fall in love again come every summertime ❜ — every summertime, niki

 ❛every year we get older, and i'm still on your side, baby, i'd give up anything to travel inside your mind, baby, i fall in love again come every summertime ❜ — every summertime, niki

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THE FIRST TIME himeru saw you: you were yelling at another in the conference area of Cosmic Productions. You had them seated with penitence flaring on their face whilst you leaned in front of them irately. Anzu timidly tried to peel you away from the other producer whilst the rest of the staff members watched amusingly.

It was comedic, to a certain degree. Himeru never thought the angelic girl Niki had described you to be, would possess such a sinister aura when provoked. A producer with an astonishing juxtaposition held together in you somewhere, it's eye-catching to him. Even the voice that Himeru imagined to be dripping with sweetness— is blanketed by resentment.

"Stop interrupting Anzu when she's giving a speech, I won't say it again!" You chide, a hand slammed down on the table. Your eyes bore into Kikumoto's lowered ones discontentedly. Anzu took ahold of one of your arms, cheeks heated from the multitude of looks sent your way. "L/n, I told you it's okay. She didn't mean harm."

"It's true. I didn't mean to—!" Kikumoto tried to fight back, but you refused to listen until a genuine response came out of her. You incline your head, upper body still leant frustratingly. "You didn't mean to? You ought to know better. You're in your twenties acting like that?"

The rest of Crazy:B gathered besides Himeru. He's certain all of them were thinking the same thing he was. Rinne, being the most invested in this, nudged Niki at the elbow.

"This is the nice girl you were talking about?" He smirked. The early day lengthened and it's when you finally back away from Kikumoto, straightening up, that Himeru realizes a tiny shift around his agency's routines. He's heard Kikumoto wouldn't take shit from anyone, and everyone. Well, he didn't care much about the producer in general to begin with— still, he has his resources and he's heard a story or two about her engulfing persistence. Yet, you dealt with her as though it was the easiest thing in the world.

"This is her! 100%!" Niki defensively responded. He shook his head and he brought up his hands to bring out a more sentiment to it, "Not 100%.. she's not always like this...I swear!"

"Heh...ya sure are speakin' like ya knew her since da first grade." Kohaku bantered casually. Niki didn't falter. He stayed inflexible with his impression on you.

Himeru stepped forwards since it looked like nobody else was going to anytime soon. His hand knocked on a shelf's side to catch the attention of the producers, hopeful to catch yours. Fukui helped the shaking Kikumoto up to take her to another work station while holding in a bit of taunted laughter doing so. Anzu was the first to look over at the entrance of cosmic productions, just a few cubicles down the columns of computers.

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