Chapter 9 - Smokescreen

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Keira could only watch as she saw the Hulk's back disappear from view. The air still hadn't returned to her lungs after being thrown across the room, but she couldn't give them the time they needed to recover. So, with one hand around her midriff, she sprinted across the room, following in the Hulk's wake.

It didn't take her long to realize that she wouldn't be able to catch up. The significant distance she had been thrown slowed down her progress immensely. And it didn't help that the green juggernaut had just torn through his environments, his body withstanding the damage easily but leaving chaos behind him.

Parts of the ceiling and walls had been ripped apart, with cables protruding out of them, sparking ominously like some bizarre snakes.

She finally caught a glimpse of the green back, disappearing through a long corridor, and a new surge of energy shot through her, making her lengthen her step even more. It was difficult to follow the giant however, as he had just crashed through the narrow corridor, causing debris to fall everywhere.

Keira knew she had to be quick, so instead of slowing down and taking her time to get through the crashed hallway, she just ducked and jumped over the debris the best she could, hoping the metal bars wouldn't give in completely as she ventured under them. Some of the nitrogen tanks had exploded, others just hissed menacingly as the gas leaked out of them.

But that didn't concern Keira. What concerned her was Natasha. She just prayed that Natasha's guardian angel was working just as hard as her own did to keep her alive today.

When she finally reached the end of the corridor, narrowingly avoiding a piece of falling glass, her heart stopped.

Natasha was huddled against a wall, her normally composed face filled with absolute dread as the Hulk leaned over her, ready to finish her off. Keira didn't hesitate before throwing herself around his very thick neck, yanking him away from the redhead. A roar of anger left his lips and he swirled around, crashing into a nearby wall in an attempt to throw her off.

But the juggernaut didn't get much time to try however, as another force crashed into his side, causing Keira to fall to the floor as she lost her grip on him. The projectile seemed to have been Thor, hauling both himself and the Hulk through the metal wall and crashing onto the concrete on the other side.

Keira's attention immediately turned to Natasha, who had managed to drag herself up into a sitting position. Her green eyes were glazed over, not really seeing and her whole body was trembling. Keira couldn't even imagine how terrifying it must've been to have the Hulk chasing after you, knowing he could kill you without even trying.

She knelt down in front of the redhead and gently brushed a few stray hairs from her face. Sweat clung to her forehead and she jumped at the sudden skin-on-skin contact. Out of reflexes more than anything, she swiftly grabbed Keira's wrist and twisted it painfully.

"Hey, Nat. Nat, it's me. It's Keira." Keira said gently, making sure to stay relaxed and not to struggle against the spy's vice-like grip. It would only make matters worse if she tried to wriggle out of her grasp.

The grip around her wrist disappeared after a few seconds, and the redhead gave a faint nod, acknowledging that she had heard the words.

"We're not your enemies, Banner. Try to think!" Thor's strained voice reached Keira's sensitive ears, which was met by another snarl from the Hulk. Not long after, she heard a crash, but since she wasn't in the same room as the god and the Hulk, she had no idea in whose favor the fight was going. She was still intent on making sure that Natasha was unharmed.

"I would appreciate some help, Lady Keira!" Thor called and she threw a look at the hole in the wall, unwilling to leave the redhead in this state.

Keira looked back at Natasha, who nodded in the direction of the fight, willing the blonde to go and help the god. She pressed her lips together, chewing on them as she watched the redhead with worried eyes. The poor woman was in so much distress that she didn't want to leave her. But Thor needed help, so she reluctantly got back on her feet. "You stay safe, alright? And if anything happens, shout and I'll come, okay?" Keira whispered gently, placing a hand on Natasha's shoulder.

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