Chapter 10 - An Invasion From Outer Space - Part 1

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While Clint disappeared towards the men's locker room, Keira and Natasha went to the women's. They already had their work attire on, but Keira hadn't gotten a chance to change hers since the fight in Germany, and she would lie if she said that she didn't smell right now. And she guessed that Natasha could also do with a change of clothes.

Keira patted her pockets, making sure to empty them of the few knives she had before wriggling out of them. Just as she was about to throw the knives into her locker, she received a warning look from Natasha, which caused her to slow down and put the knives down into their scabbards instead. Her discarded clothes on the other hand, got stuffed roughly into a plastic bag.

"Why don't you just put them in the washing bin? Then you'd have one less problem to worry about." Natasha pointed out, smirking slightly. She knew exactly why Keira washed her own clothes, but it was always fun to tease her about it.

"And risk getting Agent Ford's clothes again, like last time? No thanks. Besides, he even had the nerves to try mine on, convinced they had just shrunken in the wash. And let me tell you, he stretched out my pants. There's a reason why I have to wear a belt with this pair now, you know." Keira pouted, shaking her head. "And if he weren't so thickheaded, he would've realized they had my name on the tag."

Luckily, it had just been a simple switch-up, but she hadn't known that at the time. And considering that it had been her only pair back then, it had not been a pleasant surprise to find out that her pants had gone astray.

But the sound of a hurt man's ego complaining about how his clothes were suddenly too small had been easy enough to track down. So, she had gotten her clothes back in less than a day, thank god for that. It didn't make her less bitter about the waistline being stretched though.

"Oh, you're such a drama queen. It was a simple mistake. How many times before that did you get the correct clothes?" Natasha countered while filling up her magazines. It was always good to have a couple of extras, just in case there were loads of enemies, which would probably be the case. Because lack of ammo by the simple cause of missing the targets would never happen to the redhead. She was way too talented for that.

"If one more person calls me a drama queen, I'll retire." Keira put her hands on her hips, feigning a hurt expression on her face. "However, one mistake is all it took for my pants to get ruined, and I won't risk it again." She finished off in a serious tone, but she couldn't hold her frown for long before she burst out laughing.

It wasn't exactly difficult to wash her own clothes. And it was always good not to forget how to do mundane tasks. "Besides, it's always good to know how to get blood out of your clothes." She added as an afterthought once she managed to smother her laughter, shrugging her shoulders.

Natasha only shook her head with a smile playing on her lips. It was no use trying to convince the blonde, she knew that. She had tried it before, but the younger woman was too stubborn. So instead, she focused on powering up her gloves, the blue light gleaming brightly in the dim light of the changing room. They were really quite handy, giving her a clear advantage in hand-to-hand combat as she could electrocute her opponent if she wished to.

While Natasha had been focused on her gloves, Keira had created ring of chaos around her. "Where's my bloody bow? I swear, I left it right here..." She muttered angrily to herself as she kept emptying her locker of all its content, splaying it out around her. It really was amazing how much stuff she was able to cram in there. Everything from a extra toothbrush to bullets.

"Didn't you take it with you to Germany? You never used it though." Natasha said casually, her arms loosely crossed over her chest. Always the one to remember the small details.

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