Chapter 61 - Rescue Me

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During the next couple of weeks, Keira discovered that she didn't do well in captivity when she wasn't allowed to move around. She had always been a restless person, but now, she felt like she was going crazy. The only chance of relief she had was that she was at least allowed to tap her fingers, or wiggle her foot in an attempt to try and fight back the boredom.

If given a choice, she would've preferred pacing but that wasn't really an option.

The only exercise she got was when she was being dragged out for interrogation. Ross wanted to know everything about Steve and Natasha, but despite his best efforts, she kept her mouth shut. There was no way she would give up any of her friends.

And besides, HYDRA was more creative when it came to extracting secrets.

One thing that the rest of the group didn't have to go through, however, was the laboratory part. It wasn't bad, compared to what she had grown used to. Just simple blood withdrawals. Apparently, it was for 'scientific purposes' but Keira wasn't that naïve.

She may be blonde, but she wasn't stupid.

Altering the human DNA for the better had always been a dream. So, if they managed to combine her genome with human DNA, they could create their own version of superhumans, what with her fast-healing abilities and enhanced strength.

Other than that, the days passed slowly. A guard passed outside their cells occasionally, and they were always heavily armored. No talking was allowed while the guard was patrolling but once they were gone, it was possible to small talk.

Although, none of them were feeling especially chatty. Not with the knowledge that their every word was being recorded by the cameras in the corner of their cell.

What pained her the most was that she wasn't able to communicate with Wanda, not even telepathically. Every time she had tried to make contact with Wanda's mind, the lamp on her collar had started to glow ominously and when she pushed on, it had electrocuted her.

They had been dragged out of their cells for showers three times already, stripped and hosed down like some kind of animal. When it happened, Keira barely had the strength to stand upright, so some of the guards had to help her. It only humiliated her further.

She was used to taking care of herself and now she was dependent on others to just remain standing.

That was why she usually remained sitting, her back against the wall with her head leaned back. Just pulling herself up on the cot was too hard sometimes, so she just passed out on the floor when she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer.

Not that she was allowed to sleep for long. Her body wasn't comfortable in this environment so it woke her up after just one or two hours. It didn't matter that she had a sedative running through her bloodstream, she still couldn't sleep.

A deep rumble sounded from somewhere within the Raft and normally, that wouldn't have drawn her attention. But the noises didn't stop there. No, she could hear multiple bangs and people running in the hallways beyond.

It gave her the strength to lift her head from the wall and she could see that Clint had gotten up from his cot to try and see what was going on beyond the doors that locked their cells away from the rest of the prison.

Another boom echoed beyond the closed door and she couldn't help but feel the flame of hope flickering to life in her chest. Someone was breaking into the Raft, whether it was criminals or the rest of her teammates.

And honestly, Keira would be happy with either.

Withering away in a prison cell, wearing an electro-shock collar, was not the way she wanted to go. She would rather be on the run, constantly looking over her shoulder and going out by being hit by a bullet in the head than rotting away in a safe, but boring place.

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